On 16.09.2008 16:33, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
On 16.09.2008 16:25, Rex Dieter wrote:
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: 
fedora-updates-newkey. Please verify its path and try again

Missing here as well:

See also:

I'd say the proper solution is to just wait for Fedora to fix their repos.

Finally the local mirrors on the builders are all up2date again. I requeued (¹) the f8 jobs I found that failed due to those problems.


(¹) Some packager seems not be aware of it (I at least suspect so, as I saw that some of the tags are more then once in the "failed" list), but there really is a requeue command in plague that can be used to queue jobs again that failed due to issues like the above. Just use something like this:

PLAGUE_CLIENT_CONFIG=${HOME}/.plague-client-rpmfusion.cfg /usr/bin/plague-client requeue 897

(897 is the jobid here).

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