On Sat, 2010-08-07 at 19:54 +1200, Morgan Read wrote:
> I've been running this command, with the accompanying error:
> [r...@mythtv ~]# ssh -t rs...@ sudo rsync -avzAXH
> --delete-after -e /home/rsync/bin/rsync_ssh /home/

> building file list ... rsync: readlink_stat("/home/morgan/.gvfs")
> failed: Permission denied (13)

Yes, gvfs-fuse mounts a FUSE filesystem (which denies access to root by
default) in an unwise place.



You'll need to exclude /home/*/.gvfs .

> IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion

> If anyone is able shed some light on either the error or why it might
> prevent deleting files I could save on harddrives:)

>From the man page description of --delete

        If the sending side detects any I/O errors, then the deletion of
        any files at the destination will be automatically disabled.
        This is to prevent temporary filesystem failures (such as NFS
        errors) on the sending side from causing a massive deletion of
        files on the  destination.   You can override this with the
        --ignore-errors option.


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