Quite strange at first sight that the failure should depend on the files 
containing NULs!

But I've reproduced it on both Ubuntu and OpenSUSE with d73762e "Preparing for 
release of 3.1.3".

The problem remains even if you drop the --checksum or --delay-updates options 
from the command line, but goes away if you don't use both "--sparse" and 
"--preallocate" together.

So it looks like a bad interaction of these options, probably with the sparse 
handling being affected by the NULs in the files.



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---- On Sun, 04 Mar 2018 14:57:24 +0100 xftroxgpx via rsync 
<rsync@lists.samba.org> wrote ----

script to reproduce: 




#tested to fail as below: ArchLinux's rsync-3.1.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 

#tested to fail as below: ArchLinux's rsync-3.1.3pre1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 

#tested to work ok : ArchLinux's rsync-3.1.2-8-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 


if test "$1" == "clean"; then 

 rm -vrf destdir sourcedir sourcedir2 sourcedir3 

 exit 0 



echo '!! test 1:' 


mkdir -p destdir 

mkdir -p sourcedir/a 

#one \0 followed by a non-\0 (so, using a space) required: 

echo -ne '\0 ' > sourcedir/a/b 

#non zero size file required: 

echo -ne 'c' > sourcedir/c 

echo 'sourcedir' >/tmp/filesfrom.lst.tmp 

rsync --recursive --perms --checksum --delay-updates --numeric-ids 
--preallocate --sparse --files-from=/tmp/filesfrom.lst.tmp -- ./ ./destdir/ 

#rsync: write failed on 
"/home/xftroxgpx/sandbox/rsync/nsfod_issues/try2/destdir/sourcedir/a/b": No 
such file or directory (2) 

#rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(374) [receiver=3.1.3] 


# ^ this happens first and any subsequent times! 


echo '!! test 2:' 


mkdir -p sourcedir2/a 

#one \0 followed by a non-\0 (so, using an M) required: 

echo -ne '\0M' > sourcedir2/a/b 

#one \0 followed by a non-\0 (so, using an M) required: 

echo -ne '\0M' > sourcedir2/c 


#in order to see this error: (for file 'c') 


#non-zero file size required and it must be prefixed by '.' aka dot 

#echo -ne '1' > sourcedir2/.d 

#XXX: ^ (un)comment, don't forget to ./go clean afterwards, then ./go 


#otherwise, the error is for file "a/b" 


echo 'sourcedir2' >/tmp/filesfrom.lst.tmp 

rsync --recursive --perms --checksum --delay-updates --numeric-ids 
--preallocate --sparse --files-from=/tmp/filesfrom.lst.tmp -- ./ ./destdir/ 

#rsync: write failed on 
"/home/xftroxgpx/sandbox/rsync/nsfod_issues/try2/destdir/sourcedir2/a/b": No 
such file or directory (2) 

#rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(374) 


echo '!! test 3:' #same as 2 but an extra file '.d' exists! 


mkdir -p sourcedir3/a 

#one \0 followed by a non-\0 (so, using an M) required: 

echo -ne '\0M' > sourcedir3/a/b 

#one \0 followed by a non-\0 (so, using an M) required: 

echo -ne '\0M' > sourcedir3/c 


#non-zero file size required and it must be prefixed by '.' aka dot 

echo -ne '1' > sourcedir3/.d 

echo 'sourcedir3' >/tmp/filesfrom.lst.tmp 

rsync --recursive --perms --checksum --delay-updates --numeric-ids 
--preallocate --sparse --files-from=/tmp/filesfrom.lst.tmp -- ./ ./destdir/ 

#rsync: write failed on 
"/home/xftroxgpx/sandbox/rsync/nsfod_issues/try2/destdir/sourcedir2/c": No such 
file or directory (2) 

#rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(374) [receiver=3.1.3] 


A pristine copy of this script can be found here: 


Just run ./go to start all 3 tests. 


All 3 tests should fail with: 

ArchLinux's rsync-3.1.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 

ArchLinux's rsync-3.1.3pre1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 


All 3 tests will succeed with ArchLinux's rsync-3.1.2-8-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 

(aka rsync version 3.1.2 protocol version 31) 





​Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.​ 





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