On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 08:51:46AM -0500, HP Wei wrote:
> >So my question is: does anyone know of a product which does reliable
> >multicasting? (source available would be preferred)
> At our company, we have a mrsync running for a couple of months now.
> mrsync is to transfer files to many machines at the same time using
> UDP and multicast.  I attached at the end of this message the excerpt
> from the docs of mrync.
> If this is what you need, we can contribute this program to the
> openSource.

I, for one, have been looking for a long time for an open source multicast
rsync like application to handle distributing updated applications (such
as Perl) to many machines. Mrsync sounds like it just might do the trick.

Jim Littlefield      "I was in the grocery store.  I saw a sign that
                      said 'pet supplies.' So I did.  Then I went
                      outside and saw a sign that said 'compact
                      cars'..." - Steven Wright

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