>> Dr. Poo wrote:
>> > Now, can you think of a way to sync the win 2000 OS? (the
> WHOLE flippin'system) so that if it were to go down
> one could restore the full installation
Once upon a time, I used Windows's own backup program to grab its "SystemState" [registry, etc] to a file every day and then backed up this file with all the other readable files.

Unfortunately (or fortunately :-) ), I never tried to do a restoration from scratch, so I'm not sure if this actually works, but it sounds reasonable
Install virgin Windows OS
(Install cygwin)
Restore the files -- OS, Program and data
Use Windows's builtin restore to reload the "SystemState"

Has anybody else used taken this approach?

BTW, I think the difference between having a data-only backup and a fully-restorable backup is DAYS: Every time I have to restore Windows it has taken 2-4 solid days to get everything installed -- OS, service packs, applications. Of course, I insist on being outside mainstream IT support, and, therefore, I never had an efficient system-installation rig.


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