Hello, I am using rsync with "--temp-dir=/tmp" option for rsync module.  I
noticed that if the "tmp" directory is deleted rsync attempt will fail like

 rsync: mkstemp "<module_base>/tmp/.xyz_file.Z0m8I6" (in <module>) failed:
No such file or directory (2)
 rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors)
(code 23) at main.c(1039) [sender=3.0.6]

I just wanted to understand how and when the "tmp" directory is created.
Is there a option to create one if it doesn't exist?  The issue I see is
that on our system, the "tmp" does seem to be getting deleted once in a
while (cause of which I am still trying to figure out).

Thank you very much.
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