There are three areas of fundamental incompatibility (that I am aware of)
Basic File Permissions: Unix has rwx for owner/group/world, Windows has
Hidden/System/Read-Only/Archive. NTFS has ACLs
(The above is an oversimplification,  and things can be done so it works
well enough for what is necessary, but ...)
Timestamps: Unix has one-second resolution and base is UTC regardless of the
current timezone of whoever is asking
Windows has the computer in the local timezone --- lots of fun when crossing
time zones or even daylight savings time.
(Think of two users, each in different time zones... ;-)
Windows creates/updates the directory entry and then eventually (most of the
time) fills in the actual file contents.
This applies also to windows accessing SAMBA shares. (That's why I backup my
SAMBA servers at 3:33 AM)
Good luck.


[] On Behalf Of Dale
E. Moore
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:21 AM
Subject: rsync to SAMBA mount or NTFS tutorial?

Will someone please tell me where to go, and how to get there to get rsync
running to mounted windows shares or mounted NTFS volumes? I'm doing OK with
rsync-ing to EXT3 mounted volumes but the others still perplex me.

I look forward to hearing from you,

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