rsync 2.5.1 on NT/cygwin: transfer via ssh stalls

2002-03-09 Thread Martin Bene


when trying to rsync a directory tree between linux and win2k via ssh, the transfer 
stalls after a few MB. using the same command line over rsh instead of ssh works. 

rsync -av -e ssh Administrator@mykw2server:/usr/ usr/

ssh version: 3.1p1 on both sides
rsync version 2.5.1 on both sides.

Any idea why this doesn't work?

Thanks, Martin

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rsync 2.5.1 on NT/cygwin: can't handle filenames with non-latin1 character set

2002-03-09 Thread Martin Bene


2nd problem when using rsync on NT: rsync can't handle filenames with "strange" 
characters in the filename; no remote system needs to be involved here, happens even 
rsync between two local directories:

$ rsync -av /cygdrive/c/data/transfer/Marisa/ Marisa/
building file list ... readlink Imagelep. 10?1: No such file or directory
readlink Imagelep. 11?2: No such file or directory
readlink Imagelep. 9?1: No such file or directory
rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(151)
wrote 84 bytes  read 20 bytes  208.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: partial transfer (code 23) at main.c(537)

Those streange characters are mostly in files that have been created using a mac. I 
wouldn't mind some kind of name-mangling that removes these characters as long as the 
data in the files gets transfered correctly.

Any Idea how to work around this problem?

Thanks, Martin

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