Re: any news about rsync and acl's?

2001-07-13 Thread tim . conway

Maybe rsync isn't ready to do it yet, but you could cheat.
Have the server side prepare a list of ACLs, from which they can be reconstructed on 
the reciever.
I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do it, maybe with the  Solaris-ACL perl 
package, or coding it in C, but here's a quick and dirty way to do it with shell 



find $* -print |while read object

acl=`getfacl $object | sed 's/#.*//`
acl=`echo $acl |tr -d '
acl=`echo $acl |tr ' ' ,`
echo "$object  $acl"




cat $1 |while read file acl

  setfacl -s $acl $file


(See attached file: aclrep.tar)
Have the server run createacllist from time to time.
Have the client grab the acl list, and run applyacllist on it after the sync.
Maybe you could save processor time by keeping the old acl list's checksum, and if it 
hasn't changed, don't run it.

Tim Conway
Philips Semiconductor - Colorado TC
1880 Industrial Circle
Suite D
Longmont, CO 80501
"There are some who call me Tim?"

Martin Pool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/12/2001 05:52:13 PM


To: "Obergehrer, Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: any news about rsync and acl's?

On 12 Jul 2001, "Obergehrer, Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anybody know if rsync can be used in a way to preserve the ACL's?
> If not, are there plans to implement it in the near future?
> If not, are there other tools which can handle ACL's when
> synchronizing?

I don't know if there are any plans to support them at the moment.
They are most definitely on the list for rsync 3.0, but there is no
target date for that yet.  We would like them to map correctly between
heterogenous systems, which is not trivial.

VA Linux Systems


Re: any news about rsync and acl's?

2001-07-13 Thread Phil Howard

Martin Pool wrote:

> On 12 Jul 2001, "Obergehrer, Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anybody know if rsync can be used in a way to preserve the ACL's?
> > If not, are there plans to implement it in the near future?
> > If not, are there other tools which can handle ACL's when
> > synchronizing?
> I don't know if there are any plans to support them at the moment.
> They are most definitely on the list for rsync 3.0, but there is no
> target date for that yet.  We would like them to map correctly between
> heterogenous systems, which is not trivial.

As an example for others, consider the problem of syncronizing a
tree of files from a Solaris machine to a Linux machine running a
filesystem with no ACLs.  Then syncronize it back.  Now consider
the question "if the ACLs came back, where were they on the Linux
machine? and what form were they in?".

ACLs may not be implemented at all on intermediate machines.  Then
it would be necessary to store them as file data somewhere.  But
then, what if someone had real files that looked like the way rsync
decided to store a foreign system's ACLs, and they wanted to send
all those files over to that ACL-capable system as is (e.g. no ACLs).
This is an inherint ambiguity that requires some careful planning
and thought, and most likely will require decisions on the part of
the user as well.  For example, the user (administrator of the
systems involved) may have to decide between trying to map ACLs
to the target system (with risk of loss due to differences in the
way they are implemented) or store them in some "out of band" data
area ... and subsquently specify where that is for both the purpose
of the files coming in and going back out.

Standards in ACLs would help, but there remains the issue of lack
of implementation as well.  The first step rsync could accomplish
would be retaining ACLs on homogeneous systems.  But this still
requires mapping the ACL implementations to the rsync protocol.
Should each system type be mapped to a different representation of
data in the protocol, or should there be one broad scope of ACL
representation in the protocol that different ACLs get mapped to.
Decisions, decisions.  A lot of exploration is needed before this
gets cut into stone.

ACLs that are extra files are trivial to do between like machines.
ACLs that are metadata are not trivial even on like machines.  It
gets to be a mess out there when implementations preceed standards.

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | |

Re: rsync+ patch

2001-07-13 Thread Alberto Accomazzi

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Pool writes:

> I'm inclined to apply this: at the very least, it doesn't look like it
> could damage anything else.  Any other opinions?

Yes please!  I would personally love to see that functionality supported
in the stock rsync distributions.  Since the patch implements a feature 
that is periodically requested by users, it seems to me there is a good 
reason for inclusion.

-- Alberto

Alberto Accomazzi  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
NASA Astrophysics Data System
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, MS 83, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA   

new to rsync for WIN: failed to connect - descriptor is a file not a socket

2001-07-13 Thread Florian Jantscher

I've tried to use rsync to build the debian CD Images from their
pseudo-image kit. Yet, everytime I run it, I get the error message: failed
to connect to - descriptor is a file not a socket. I am
running Windows 98 (which I want to get rid of, and run linux instead) and I
do have direct access to the internet.
The commandline I use looks like this:
rsync --verbose --progress --stats --block-size=8192 .
I also tried to get only the directory listings of the rsync server, I left
out options, I tried different versions of rsync, whatever I did, I kept
getting the same error message. Probably there is a real easy solution for
this, it's just not easy enough for me. I'm really looking forward to your

Thanks a lot in advance!


Re: Two issues (rsync 2.4.6)

2001-07-13 Thread Phil Howard

Paul D. Smith wrote:

> I have an anon rsync (2.4.6) daemon set up in my inetd on a Solaris 2.6
> server.
> I'm seeing two strange things, and I wonder if anyone has any comments.
> I tried using Google and other searches for these but didn't come up
> with anything very useful (a list of error messages rsync generates
> along with their meanings would be great bonus!)
>  1) At the beginning of my transfers (on the client side), I see this
> message:
>   IO error encountered - skipping file deletion
> Does that mean it's not deleting any files?  Why?

I suspect that it got an I/O error in a situation (like reading a
directory) that creates a non-zero probability that the list of
files that should not be deleted is incomplete.  The deletion is
skipped in order to avoid the risk of deleting something that should
not be deleted.

I would guess it's not deleting any files because it cannot be sure
that it would be deleting only the ones really to be deleted.  The
thing to do is find out why there is an I/O error, or what it thinks
is an I/O error.  It may, for example, be getting an incomplete list
from the server.

>  2) At the end of a transfer that seems otherwise successful, in the
> server log I invariably see this message:
>   transfer interrupted (code 11) at main.c(295)
> As far as I can tell it happens _every_ time a transfer is
> completed.  Also as far as I can tell, the transfer appears to
> work... but this seems like something that might be serious.

Is this via RSH/SSH or the rsyncd port?  This could be related to #1.

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | |