Re: Please test rsync-2.5.6pre1

2003-01-13 Thread Greger Cronquist

Did you include Craig Barratt's buffered IO patches
(previously posted on this list)? If not, please do as
they make a lot of difference on windows machines.


 --- Dave Dykstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: > 
> * The --delete-after option now implies
> --delete.  (Wayne Davison)
> * The --suffix option can now be used with
> --backup-dir.  (Michael
>   Zimmerman)
> * Combining "::" syntax with the -rsh/-e option
> now uses the
>   specified remote-shell as a transport to talk
> to a (newly-spawned)
>   server-daemon.  This allows someone to use
> daemon features, such
>   as modules, over a secure protocol, such as
> ssh.  (JD Paul)
> * The rsync:// syntax for daemon connections is
> now accepted in the
>   destination field.
> * If the file name given to --include-from or
> --exclude-from is "-",
>   rsync will read from standard input.  (J.W.
> Schultz)
> * New option --link-dest which is like
> --compare-dest except that
>   unchanged files are hard-linked in to the
> destination directory.
>   (J.W. Schultz)
> * Don't report an error if an excluded file
> disappears during an
>   rsync run.  (Eugene Chupriyanov and Bo Kersey)
> * Added .svn to --cvs-exclude list to support
> subversion.  (Jon
>   Middleton)
> * Properly support IPv6 addresses in the
> rsyncd.conf "hosts allow"
>   and "hosts deny" fields.  (Hideaki Yoshifuji)

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Win2k, rsync, and ssh on cygwin

2003-01-13 Thread Sarah Barwig

The subject line pretty much says it all. Oh, that plus I'm tearing my
hair out trying to get it all to play nice together.

rsync version = 2.5.5 protocol version 26
OpenSSH_3.5p1, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090608f
cygwin -- downloaded in the last 3 days from official mirrors.

I'm trying to make one Win2k box rsync with another Win2k box. I managed
to get it such that an initial rsync (box A pushed bunches o' files to
box B) was slow, but functional. 

Trying to make a second rsync occur has completely escaped me. ssh hogs
up 99.9% of the CPU (on box A, the "sender"), a profiler shows not much 
in the way of actual traffic going out of box A, box B remains mostly
idle, occasionally getting something from rsync.

Any pointers on where I can find the solution to this problem? (Aside
from sticking a freakin' Debian box in between the Win2k boxes because
they can both talk to a 3rd Debian box I have access to for testing, but isn't
really an option for daily usage.)

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Re: The behavior of "-u/--update" option on directories

2003-01-13 Thread Florian-Daniel Otel


Aaron Morris writes:
> rsync is just doing what your are telling it to do.  Update if the file 
> is changed or does not exist on the remote side and delete if it no 
> longer exists on the local side.  

Yes, I can RTFM, and, suprisingly!, I  even _did_ RTFM :)).

> The directory may have a newer 
> timestamp, but you are doing a recursive put so it has to check all the 
> files and dirs under each directory.  At least that is how I see it.
> solution:  --exclude "/tmp/"   or   --exclude "tmp/"

Well, I think you missed the point. The "tmp" subdir was just an example. The
same can happen in any subdir down the tree. And, if you re-read my
post carefully (or even the subject), I said "--update" (mis)behavior
__on_directories__ (and _not_ regular files).

Truth to be told, after a bit of thinking I _might_ accept the fact
that "--update" ignores the timestamps on (sub)directories. Because
if it didn't, if any file was "touch"-ed remotely after the last rsync
than all subdirs,  up to and including to the "top" dir, would have a
newer timestamp remotely and thus no file putting would take place.

However, I still think that "--update" (or, ideally,  another similar
option or combination of options)  __should__ take into account
(sub)directories timestamps and consider for processing only those
(sub)directories that have remotely an older timestamp than

Or, to put it in your words "...doing a recursive put should
be restricted __only__ to the (sub)directories that remotely have a
timestamp older than locally". If that means that _no_ update
(i.e. put) will take place because __any__ file deep down the tree was
touched remotely since the last put...well, than that's it.

Again, thanks in advance to  anyone can suggest a way to have rsync
__also__ in this way.

Best regards,


> Florian-Daniel Otel wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > I have the following problem: I use the following command to "push"
> > files from "local" to a "remote" machine:
> > 
> > [...]
> > /usr/bin/rsync -avuz -e "ssh -1" --exclude ".Xauthority"  --delete  
>/user/home/directory/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/user/home/directory/ ;
> > 
> > (The ssh is using RSA authentication btw. machines,  but that's beside the point).
> > 
> > The problem:
> > 
> > 
> > On both the local and remote machines there is a subdirectory
> > "/user/home/directory/tmp". If on the remote machine that subdirectory
> > has a newer time stamp  -- e.g. due to a file that was created
> > recently i.e. after the last time the local machine did a "pull" --  the
> > "--delete" option in the command above makes it such that the said
> > newer file is deleted on remote and the timestamp is reseted back to
> > the old time stamp i.e. the one for the "tmp/" subdir on the local machine.
> > 
> > 
> > Putting it shortly, the "--delete" option has precendence over "-u"
> > option w.r.t. directories. 
> > 
> > Is it so that "-u" works only on files and not on directories ?
> > IMHO the appropriate behaviour in a situation like the one described
> > above directories on remote that have newer time stamp  should be ignored 
> > and excluded from further processing (i.e. including updating and/or
> > deleting any files that do not exist on the local machine).
> > 
> > The question:
> > 
> > Am I right and that is the way things should behave and I am doing
> > smth wrong ? If not, and this is the way things are supposed to work,
> > can anyone suggest a work-around that would simulate the desired behavior ?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Many thanks in advance,
> > 
> > Florian
> > 
> > P.S. Please Cc: me on the replies, I'm not on the list. Thanks. 
> > 
> > P.P.S: If it matters: In the above setup the "local" machine is a
> > Linux running "rsync  version 2.5.4  protocol version 26" whereas
> > "remote" is a Solaris 2.8 running "rsync  version 2.5.5  protocol version 26". 
> > 
> -- 
> Aaron W Morris
> decep
> PGP Key ID:  259978D1
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configure issue (ac_cv_lib_inet_connect) on DYNIX/ptx

2003-01-13 Thread Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.-
Greetings -

In trying to get rsync-2.5.6pre1 working on DYNIX/ptx, I found I
needed to pass ac_cv_lib_inet_connect=no to configure in order for
it actually create a properly configured config.h file.

I think this is because configure looks for connect in libinet,
(and finds one there somehow).  But connect() is resolved by libsocket
(but configure doesn't find it when it looks there).  I've never taken
the time to delve into the guts of autoconf, so I'm not sure if this
is a general autoconf problem or a problem that is specific to rsync.

At any rate, hopefully, this will be useful to someone.  I can send
a config.log file to anyone who's interested.

After passing ac_cv_lib_inet_connect=no to configure, all tests either
PASS or SKIP so it looks good.

I also get this warning, which is trivial, but it would be nice to
clean it up:

"cleanup.c", line 36: portability warning: trigraph sequence replaced

This is from the () in cleanup.c.  To get rid of the warning,
just remove the () from line 36.

Michael Sterrett
  -Mr. Bones.-

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Re: am I missing something, or are permissions always preserved?

2003-01-13 Thread jw schultz
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 02:38:29PM -0600, Dave Dykstra wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:00:58AM -0800, Ben wrote:
> > Well that's annoying. I've tried changing the encoding of this
> > attempt... maybe it'll get through this time.
> Yes, it came through better this time.
> > As a rule of thumb, I think silent errors a very bad idea. It means
> > things might not be behaving like you expect, but you have no idea. In
> > general, rsync's current behavior is correct. In my case niche case, it
> > doesn't work. I think the proper solution is to change rsync's behavior,
> > not reduce the errors it produces.
> Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it only looked for certain error codes from
> the failed chmod.  The nice thing about ignoring errors is that it's one
> less thing for users to have to learn and understand.
> Any other opinions?

First, identify the errno.  Is it the same for cygwin and
samba mounts?  Then do the treatment for that errno(s) only.

As far as i can tell except where the filesystem doesn't
support chmod an error chmoding here is insane.  We just
created the file.

I'd rather kick out a warning on the first one and then
ignore.  That warns the user that something isn't quite
right without flooding the log.

Dave, see my post a litter earlier in the thread for a
possible code change.

> > If it comes through, take a look at the patch. I think I did a decent
> > job of updating the docs so that purpose of the new flag is clear.
> At a minimum I think the option is too limited.  I'd want a solution
> that would work for both the fixed permission samba case and the vfat
> filesystem under Linux case.  In particular, I don't see it skipping
> the fchmod in do_mkstemp.  I don't know, maybe that's the only addition
> that would be needed.


J.W. SchultzPegasystems Technologies
email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Remember Cernan and Schmitt
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Re: [rsync] Re: [rsync] Please test rsync-2.5.6pre1

2003-01-13 Thread Scott Evans
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 01:59:47PM -0500, Scott Evans wrote:
> > > Known issues that will probably need to be resolved before the final
> > > release:
> > > [...]
> > 
> > Is there any interest in trying to hunt down the "linux -> cygwin
> > rsync hanging" problem I'm consistently seeing before this release?
> > I'm more than happy to help track it down but I don't know enough about
> > rsync to do it myself.
> Well, at a minimum it would be nice to know if it is still happening
> with version 2.5.6pre1.  If it's no worse than previous versions, we
> won't hold up a release of 2.5.6.  If a cygwin user tracks it down and
> provides a fix that doesn't break anybody else, we'll probably put it in.

I'll try out 2.5.6pre1 and report back.  

If it still doesn't work... Like I said, I'd *really* like to see this
fixed but I don't know if I have the rsync background (or the time to get
it) to go it on my own.  Anyone want to do some handholding?

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Re: List access to rsyncd.conf modules

2003-01-13 Thread jw schultz
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 12:40:28PM -, Tamana, Daljit D wrote:
> I've seen this question asked in the archives, but not really answered.
> I would like to limit the rsync operation to modules listed in the
> rsyncd.conf file and hence disallow any command line syncs.
> Is there any way of doing this?

Yes.  You could restrict execution of the rsync binary using
perms and/or locaton.  If you don't disable rsh, ssh and all
other remote shells though you're only making things a tiny
bit more difficult.

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J.W. SchultzPegasystems Technologies
email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Remember Cernan and Schmitt
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Re: am I missing something, or are permissions always preserved?

2003-01-13 Thread Dave Dykstra
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:00:58AM -0800, Ben wrote:
> Well that's annoying. I've tried changing the encoding of this
> attempt... maybe it'll get through this time.

Yes, it came through better this time.

> As a rule of thumb, I think silent errors a very bad idea. It means
> things might not be behaving like you expect, but you have no idea. In
> general, rsync's current behavior is correct. In my case niche case, it
> doesn't work. I think the proper solution is to change rsync's behavior,
> not reduce the errors it produces.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it only looked for certain error codes from
the failed chmod.  The nice thing about ignoring errors is that it's one
less thing for users to have to learn and understand.

Any other opinions?

> If it comes through, take a look at the patch. I think I did a decent
> job of updating the docs so that purpose of the new flag is clear.

At a minimum I think the option is too limited.  I'd want a solution
that would work for both the fixed permission samba case and the vfat
filesystem under Linux case.  In particular, I don't see it skipping
the fchmod in do_mkstemp.  I don't know, maybe that's the only addition
that would be needed.

- Dave
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Re: [rsync] Please test rsync-2.5.6pre1

2003-01-13 Thread Dave Dykstra
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 01:59:47PM -0500, Scott Evans wrote:
> > Known issues that will probably need to be resolved before the final
> > release:
> > [...]
> Is there any interest in trying to hunt down the "linux -> cygwin
> rsync hanging" problem I'm consistently seeing before this release?
> I'm more than happy to help track it down but I don't know enough about
> rsync to do it myself.

Well, at a minimum it would be nice to know if it is still happening
with version 2.5.6pre1.  If it's no worse than previous versions, we
won't hold up a release of 2.5.6.  If a cygwin user tracks it down and
provides a fix that doesn't break anybody else, we'll probably put it in.

- Dave
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Re: The behavior of "-u/--update" option on directories

2003-01-13 Thread Aaron Morris
rsync is just doing what your are telling it to do.  Update if the file 
is changed or does not exist on the remote side and delete if it no 
longer exists on the local side.  The directory may have a newer 
timestamp, but you are doing a recursive put so it has to check all the 
files and dirs under each directory.  At least that is how I see it.

solution:  --exclude "/tmp/"   or   --exclude "tmp/"

Florian-Daniel Otel wrote:
Dear all,

I have the following problem: I use the following command to "push"
files from "local" to a "remote" machine:

/usr/bin/rsync -avuz -e "ssh -1" --exclude ".Xauthority"  --delete  /user/home/directory/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/user/home/directory/ ;

(The ssh is using RSA authentication btw. machines,  but that's beside the point).

The problem:

On both the local and remote machines there is a subdirectory
"/user/home/directory/tmp". If on the remote machine that subdirectory
has a newer time stamp  -- e.g. due to a file that was created
recently i.e. after the last time the local machine did a "pull" --  the
"--delete" option in the command above makes it such that the said
newer file is deleted on remote and the timestamp is reseted back to
the old time stamp i.e. the one for the "tmp/" subdir on the local machine.

Putting it shortly, the "--delete" option has precendence over "-u"
option w.r.t. directories. 

Is it so that "-u" works only on files and not on directories ?
IMHO the appropriate behaviour in a situation like the one described
above directories on remote that have newer time stamp  should be ignored 
and excluded from further processing (i.e. including updating and/or
deleting any files that do not exist on the local machine).

The question:

Am I right and that is the way things should behave and I am doing
smth wrong ? If not, and this is the way things are supposed to work,
can anyone suggest a work-around that would simulate the desired behavior ?

Many thanks in advance,


P.S. Please Cc: me on the replies, I'm not on the list. Thanks. 

P.P.S: If it matters: In the above setup the "local" machine is a
Linux running "rsync  version 2.5.4  protocol version 26" whereas
"remote" is a Solaris 2.8 running "rsync  version 2.5.5  protocol version 26". 

Aaron W Morris
PGP Key ID:  259978D1

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The behavior of "-u/--update" option on directories

2003-01-13 Thread Florian-Daniel Otel

Dear all,

I have the following problem: I use the following command to "push"
files from "local" to a "remote" machine:

/usr/bin/rsync -avuz -e "ssh -1" --exclude ".Xauthority"  --delete  
/user/home/directory/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/user/home/directory/ ;

(The ssh is using RSA authentication btw. machines,  but that's beside the point).

The problem:

On both the local and remote machines there is a subdirectory
"/user/home/directory/tmp". If on the remote machine that subdirectory
has a newer time stamp  -- e.g. due to a file that was created
recently i.e. after the last time the local machine did a "pull" --  the
"--delete" option in the command above makes it such that the said
newer file is deleted on remote and the timestamp is reseted back to
the old time stamp i.e. the one for the "tmp/" subdir on the local machine.

Putting it shortly, the "--delete" option has precendence over "-u"
option w.r.t. directories. 

Is it so that "-u" works only on files and not on directories ?
IMHO the appropriate behaviour in a situation like the one described
above directories on remote that have newer time stamp  should be ignored 
and excluded from further processing (i.e. including updating and/or
deleting any files that do not exist on the local machine).

The question:

Am I right and that is the way things should behave and I am doing
smth wrong ? If not, and this is the way things are supposed to work,
can anyone suggest a work-around that would simulate the desired behavior ?

Many thanks in advance,


P.S. Please Cc: me on the replies, I'm not on the list. Thanks. 

P.P.S: If it matters: In the above setup the "local" machine is a
Linux running "rsync  version 2.5.4  protocol version 26" whereas
"remote" is a Solaris 2.8 running "rsync  version 2.5.5  protocol version 26". 

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Re: [rsync] Please test rsync-2.5.6pre1

2003-01-13 Thread Scott Evans
> Known issues that will probably need to be resolved before the final
> release:
> [...]

Is there any interest in trying to hunt down the "linux -> cygwin
rsync hanging" problem I'm consistently seeing before this release?
I'm more than happy to help track it down but I don't know enough about
rsync to do it myself.

 scott evans ::

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Re: Rsync over SSH v2 with strong authentication but not encryptedto get the highest speed on Rsync?

2003-01-13 Thread Aaron Morris
I do not believe there is a way to turn encryption off, however, you 
might be able to use "blowfish" (or DES, if possible) as a cipher 
instead of "3DES" which is much slower (and the default for SSH2 in 
OpenSSH).  Also, make sure you are not using compression in rsync or 
ssh, since it will increase CPU load as well.

Boris Gegenheimer wrote:
I am trying to set up a backup server running Solaris 8 with rsync 2.5.5 
and ipfilter the latest version.
The problem i have is i have about 16 different interfaces that are 
secured via ipfilter , and i tried running rsync via rsh but ipfilter 
would not set up a keepstate with rsh which meant i had to open up and 
that is not acceptable.
So what i tried then was via ssh and that worked fine but it was very 
slow and cpu heavy due to the encryption .
What i am asking is there some way to configure ssh and rsync to use 
strong authentication but drop the encryption so that it works faster?
Regards Boris

Aaron W Morris
PGP Key ID:  259978D1

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Re: am I missing something, or are permissions always preserved?

2003-01-13 Thread Ben
Well that's annoying. I've tried changing the encoding of this
attempt... maybe it'll get through this time.

As a rule of thumb, I think silent errors a very bad idea. It means
things might not be behaving like you expect, but you have no idea. In
general, rsync's current behavior is correct. In my case niche case, it
doesn't work. I think the proper solution is to change rsync's behavior,
not reduce the errors it produces.

If it comes through, take a look at the patch. I think I did a decent
job of updating the docs so that purpose of the new flag is clear.

On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 06:54, Dave Dykstra wrote:

> > Okay, attached is a patch I just whipped up that seems to work well. It
> > adds the --skip-perms flag, which has the effect of making rsync not try
> > to set permissions, not even to sane values.
> I was not able to read your patch because it seems to have lots of
> characters that I can't view on my email reader.  A header on the
> attachment says
> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to base64 by
> so my ISP must have had trouble with it.
> Anyway, I wasn't thinking of an option, I was thinking of it doing
> something that was the default whenever there was no -p.  I'd rather
> avoid adding an option if we can get away with it.  I'm now having second
> thoughts about stripping off the setuid/setgid bits by default without
> '-p', because that's not what GNU cp does.  I think it would be better if
> it just silently ignored errors from chmod and fchmod when -p is not set.
> - Dave

diff -c rsync-2.5.5/README rsync-2.5.5-tukati/README
*** rsync-2.5.5/README	Mon Dec 17 17:07:20 2001
--- rsync-2.5.5-tukati/README	Sat Jan 11 10:59:30 2003
*** 48,53 
--- 48,54 
   --safe-linksignore links outside the destination tree
   -H, --hard-linkspreserve hard links
   -p, --perms preserve permissions
+  --skip-permsdon't set any permissions on new files
   -o, --owner preserve owner (root only)
   -g, --group preserve group
   -D, --devices   preserve devices (root only)
Common subdirectories: rsync-2.5.5/doc and rsync-2.5.5-tukati/doc
Common subdirectories: rsync-2.5.5/lib and rsync-2.5.5-tukati/lib
diff -c rsync-2.5.5/options.c rsync-2.5.5-tukati/options.c
*** rsync-2.5.5/options.c	Tue Mar 19 12:16:42 2002
--- rsync-2.5.5-tukati/options.c	Sat Jan 11 10:47:00 2003
*** 40,45 
--- 40,46 
  int preserve_links = 0;
  int preserve_hard_links = 0;
  int preserve_perms = 0;
+ int skip_perms = 0;
  int preserve_devices = 0;
  int preserve_uid = 0;
  int preserve_gid = 0;
*** 216,221 
--- 217,223 
rprintf(F," --safe-linksignore links outside the destination tree\n");
rprintf(F," -H, --hard-linkspreserve hard links\n");
rprintf(F," -p, --perms preserve permissions\n");
+   rprintf(F," --skip-permsdon't set any permissions on new files\n");
rprintf(F," -o, --owner preserve owner (root only)\n");
rprintf(F," -g, --group preserve group\n");
rprintf(F," -D, --devices   preserve devices (root only)\n");
*** 323,328 
--- 325,331 
{"no-whole-file",0,  POPT_ARG_NONE,   0,  OPT_NO_WHOLE_FILE, 0, 0 },
{"copy-unsafe-links", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE,   ©_unsafe_links , 0, 0, 0 },
{"perms",   'p', POPT_ARG_NONE,   &preserve_perms , 0, 0, 0 },
+   {"ignore-perms", 0,  POPT_ARG_NONE,   &skip_perms , 0, 0, 0 },
{"owner",   'o', POPT_ARG_NONE,   &preserve_uid , 0, 0, 0 },
{"group",   'g', POPT_ARG_NONE,   &preserve_gid , 0, 0, 0 },
{"devices", 'D', POPT_ARG_NONE,   &preserve_devices , 0, 0, 0 },
*** 575,580 
--- 578,591 
+ 	if (skip_perms && preserve_perms) {
+ 	snprintf(err_buf,sizeof(err_buf),
+ 		"permissions cannot be ignored and preserved at the same time\n");
+ 	rprintf(FERROR,"ERROR: permissions cannot be ignored"
+ 		" and preserved at the same time\n");
+ 	return 0;
+ 	}
  	if (write_batch && read_batch) {
  		"write-batch and read-batch can not be used together\n");
Common subdirectories: rsync-2.5.5/packaging and rsync-2.5.5-tukati/packaging
Common subdirectories: rsync-2.5.5/patches and rsync-2.5.5-tukati/patches
Common subdirectories: rsync-2.5.5/popt and rsync-2.5.5-tukati/popt
diff -c rsync-2.5.5/rsync.1 rsync-2.5.5-tukati/rsync.1
*** rsync-2.5.5/rsync.1	Wed Feb  6 13:21:19 2002
--- rsync-2.5.5-tukati/rsync.1	Sat Jan 11 10:56:19 2003
*** 261,266 
--- 261,267 
   --safe-linksignore links outside the destination tree
   -H, --hard-linkspreserve hard links
   -p, --perms preserve permissions
+  --skip-permsdon't set any permissions

Please test rsync-2.5.6pre1

2003-01-13 Thread Dave Dykstra
The first rsync-2.5.6 pre-release version is now available at:

There's also a corresponding '.sig' file that contains a gpg signature
of the file; the public key is available on the pgp keyservers.

Please test it out thoroughly and report problems and bug fix patches to
this mailing list.

Known issues that will probably need to be resolved before the final
1.  The Redhat Linux ia64 and Alpha and the OpenBSD Sparc64 ports are
all failing the daemon-gzip-upload and daemon-gzip-download tests
even though the basic daemon test succeeds.  The OpenBSD test
reports a core dump, and I suspect they're all having the same
problem related to 64 bit.  See build output on
Somebody else is going to have to fix this, I don't have the
2.  The NetBSD i386 port is failing the chgrp test.  NetBSD users, see
3.  --copy-unsafe-links is badly broken.  I'm planning on trying to
fix this myself.
4.  The --modify-window option should default to 2 seconds or 1 second
on Cygwin.  I'll put this in once somebody determines which it
should be.
5.  The documentation hosts allow & hosts deny needs to be updated for

Changes since the 2.5.5 release:


* The --delete-after option now implies --delete.  (Wayne Davison)

* The --suffix option can now be used with --backup-dir.  (Michael

* Combining "::" syntax with the -rsh/-e option now uses the
  specified remote-shell as a transport to talk to a (newly-spawned)
  server-daemon.  This allows someone to use daemon features, such
  as modules, over a secure protocol, such as ssh.  (JD Paul)

* The rsync:// syntax for daemon connections is now accepted in the
  destination field.

* If the file name given to --include-from or --exclude-from is "-",
  rsync will read from standard input.  (J.W. Schultz)

* New option --link-dest which is like --compare-dest except that
  unchanged files are hard-linked in to the destination directory.
  (J.W. Schultz)

* Don't report an error if an excluded file disappears during an
  rsync run.  (Eugene Chupriyanov and Bo Kersey)

* Added .svn to --cvs-exclude list to support subversion.  (Jon

* Properly support IPv6 addresses in the rsyncd.conf "hosts allow"
  and "hosts deny" fields.  (Hideaki Yoshifuji)

* Fix "forward name lookup failed" errors on AIX 4.3.3.  (John
  L. Allen, Martin Pool)

* Generate each file's rolling-checksum data as we send it, not
  in a separate (memory-eating) pass before hand.  This prevents
  timeout errors on really large files. (Stefan Nehlsen)

* Fix compilation on Tru64.  (Albert Chin, Zoong Pham)

* Better handling of some client-server errors.  (Martin Pool)

* Fixed a crash that would occur when sending a list of files that
  contains a duplicate name (if it sorts to the end of the file
  list) and using --delete.  (Wayne Davison)

* Fixed a bug that caused rsync to lose the exit status of its child
  processes and sometimes return an exit code of 0 instead of showing
  an error.  (David R. Staples, Dave Dykstra)


* Many code cleanups and improved internal documentation.  (Martin 
  Pool, Nelson Beebe)

* More test cases.  (Martin Pool)

* Updated included popt to the latest vendor drop, version 1.6.4.
  (Jos Backus)

- Dave Dykstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: am I missing something, or are permissions always preserved?

2003-01-13 Thread Dave Dykstra
On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 11:19:33AM -0800, Ben wrote [off list]:
> On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 14:49, Dave Dykstra wrote:
> > That sounds reasonable to me that rsync shouldn't try to preserve those
> > extra bits without -p.  Try making a patch and seeing if that works.
> > 
> > I don't have Samba set up, but on a vfat filesystem on Linux rsync is
> > doing even worse because after the initial file creation it does a
> > "fchmod(fd, 0600)" which fails and it doesn't even copy files at all.
> > 
> Okay, attached is a patch I just whipped up that seems to work well. It
> adds the --skip-perms flag, which has the effect of making rsync not try
> to set permissions, not even to sane values.

I was not able to read your patch because it seems to have lots of
characters that I can't view on my email reader.  A header on the
attachment says
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to base64 by
so my ISP must have had trouble with it.

Anyway, I wasn't thinking of an option, I was thinking of it doing
something that was the default whenever there was no -p.  I'd rather
avoid adding an option if we can get away with it.  I'm now having second
thoughts about stripping off the setuid/setgid bits by default without
'-p', because that's not what GNU cp does.  I think it would be better if
it just silently ignored errors from chmod and fchmod when -p is not set.

- Dave
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Re: IPv6 hosts allow|deny

2003-01-13 Thread YOSHIFUJI Hideaki / $B5HF#1QL@(B
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (at Mon, 13 Jan 2003 08:13:06 -0600), 
Dave Dykstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says:

> I am totally mystified by Hideaki's examples.  I didn't think colons were
> allowed, and I don't see any code in access.c for recognizing them.  As far
> as I can tell the code only allows decimal notation, not hexadecimal.  And
> do the blank fields mean anything?

getaddrinfo() handles them; it accepts only valid numeric addresses
(decimal format for IPv4, hexadecimal format (with scope-id) for IPv6)
if it is called with AI_NUMERICHOST flags set.

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Re: Rsync --daemon v 2.5.5 v26 causing kernel panic

2003-01-13 Thread Edward King

After switching much hardware (and getting some helpful suggestions) I moved
the specific machine's files on the backup server to a hard drive outside
the raid (still on the backup server, /dev/hdi1) and tried rsync -- problem

It seems there's a problem with the journaled filesystems (reiserfs) and
raid -- reading the files is ok (cp command worked fine), writing them is

I'm going to turn on reiser debugging and internal checks and re-run -- maybe
I can send something to the reiser or kernel people of interest (don't want
to go back to ext2)

jw schultz wrote:

  On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 02:25:57PM -0600, Edward King wrote:
Has anyone seen this?  Looking for past experiences / ideas.  Will post 

I'm tracking down a problem that seems to be caused by rsync.  When 
moving files from a remote server I get a kernel panic.

We have a number of servers that back up to a main box -- the panic only 
occurs when a specific client backs up.  It occurs on the box it is 
backing up to -- not the client.

The kernel is Linux 2.4.20 (just compiled -- no patches), files are 
stored on a 4 disk raid (80GB Western Digital drives, software raid) 
with Reiserfs.  This is being done over a vpn connection controlled by 
another machine (gateway machine) running tinc so we're not using ssh or 
any other shell on the rsync machine.

I have:

recompiled rsync at both locations
recompiled the kernel from new source code (panic in 2.4.19, system 
rebooted in 2.4.20)

I will:

try different hardware
run a file system check at the main system (the one that crashes)
exclude directories in the backup (rsync one directory at a time -- see 
where it crashes)

I did notice filenames on the client machine that contain control 
characters -- but they seem to have backed up before.

Just to confirm:  You are doing backup-server initiated pull
something like "rsync server::module destdir" and the
machine you execute this on (the receiver) panics.

Rsync will of course not be the culprit.  However, rsync is
very good at stressing a system and the kernel developers
have found it to be a common test case.

Most likely it is a hardware fault.  Probably timing
sensitive.  I'd check the logs for oopses and and disk
errors.  Also try downgrading the mode with hdparm.

If this isn't a obvious hardware fault you should report it
to the linux-kernel people.  Look on 
for instructions.  This will be of interest to the
developers of md, reiserfs and the specific IDE driver.


Re: IPv6 hosts allow|deny

2003-01-13 Thread Dave Dykstra
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 11:51:07PM +0100, Bert Vermeulen wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Bert Vermeulen wrote:
> > On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Dave Dykstra wrote:
> >
> > > I went ahead and submitted Hideaki's patch pretty much as is.  I took off
> > > the ifdef around the memset at the beginning of client_sockaddr() because
> > > I figured it wouldn't hurt to do anywhere.  Besides, it was checking
> > > for a specific operating system (__linux__) which we like to avoid and
> > > because there was a typo in the check for HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SCOPE_ID
> > > (it was HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SOCPE_ID).  I noticed that there was code in
> > > access.c that was accessing the same sockaddr_in6 sin6_scope_id field that
> > > was protected by ifdef in clientname.c so I put the same ifdef around
> > > the code in access.c.  I also updated the rsyncd.conf.yo documentation
> > > to allow for IP address of the IPv6 form.
> > >
> > > I have not tested this, I hope it works.
> >
> > Dave,
> >
> > Sorry for the late reply, been busy. I'm going to test with the committed
> > patch, and will let you know. I can only test on linux, however.
> Well, it works great for me. It might be a good idea to include Hideaki's
> comments on this syntax in the docs:
> > Note that scope-id is also supported:
> >  - fe80::1%eth0
> >  - fe80::%eth0/64
> >  - fe80::%eth0/:::::
> The example is significant -- this restricts access to the local subnet
> only.

I don't understand enough how that syntax works in order to be able
to write an explanation for people.  Could you please try to write
something up based on the current version checked in to CVS?

I am totally mystified by Hideaki's examples.  I didn't think colons were
allowed, and I don't see any code in access.c for recognizing them.  As far
as I can tell the code only allows decimal notation, not hexadecimal.  And
do the blank fields mean anything?

For the record, here are the rest of Hideaki's examples:
> >  - 3ffe::dead:beef::1
> >  - 3ffe::dead:beef::/64
> >  - 3ffe::dead:beef::/:::::
> > or even
> >  - ::0123:4567:89ab:cdef/:::::

- Dave Dykstra
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Rsync over SSH v2 with strong authentication but not encrypted to get the highest speed on Rsync?

2003-01-13 Thread Boris Gegenheimer
Title: Message

I am trying to set 
up a backup server running Solaris 8 with rsync 2.5.5 and ipfilter the latest 
The problem i have 
is i have about 16 different interfaces that are secured via ipfilter , and i 
tried running rsync via rsh but ipfilter would not set up a keepstate with rsh 
which meant i had to open up and that is not acceptable.
So what i tried then 
was via ssh and that worked fine but it was very slow and cpu heavy due to the 
encryption .
What i am asking is 
there some way to configure ssh and rsync to use strong authentication but drop 
the encryption so that it works faster?

List access to rsyncd.conf modules

2003-01-13 Thread Tamana, Daljit D

I've seen this question asked in the archives, but not really answered.

I would like to limit the rsync operation to modules listed in the
rsyncd.conf file and hence disallow any command line syncs.

Is there any way of doing this?

Thanks in advance


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