
2005-03-24 Thread Bimal Pandit

Dear All,

though my query is not directly with rsync but i thought some of the people must be using rsync & ssh, so i am posting my query here, in case if there is some other group or forum pls let me know so that i won't bother people here(my apologies)

actually, i am facing a very strange issue as :

my objective is to use rsync from windows m/c with ssh(auto), so i did as ...

1) I installed, from

2) It contains following files(c:\rsync) :- cygwin1.dll, gnudate.exe, rsetup.bat, rsync2.5.1-dev.exe, rsync246.exe, rsync251-2.exe, drivec.bat, sshd.exe, ssh-keygen.exe, scp.exe, ssh.exe, ssh-add.exe, ssh-agent.exe

3) Win boxes are win98 & win2000, while linux box is RH9,  bimal is a user on linux box.

4) I am very much able to do rsync and ssh from window boxes to linux box (manually), it asks me a password

5) here is what i did(followed above mentioned doc) :-
  *) unzipped in c:\>, so it get installed as c:\rsync>(all commands are here)
  *) put all the environment variables in autoexec.bat and ran rsetup on command prompt
  *) i used ssh-keygen -P ""  to generate the key on win m/c
  *) copied file on linux box in /home/bimal/.ssh/
  *) then i did cat >> authorized_keys

this all i did to get auto ssh done, now when i do 

c:\> ssh -l bimal whoami 

i have also  done auto ssh on linux-linux box but am facing this issue with windows-linux box only!!

it asks me a password, what shall i check now??, any pointer will be  of great help.


Bimal Pandit

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Re: mkstemp fails but data still transferred

2005-03-24 Thread Steve Harris
I like this a lot - the '--create-fail-action=abort' option would suit 
me perfectly - if the creation of the temporary file fails then simply 
abort the transfer.

Cheers - Steve
An option to specify action would help more, IMHO.  Since there is no
two-way chatter, the choices are obviously limited.  How about:
 --create-fail-action=discard (default)
or some such?

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°Eric Moos/SYSTEM/FRANKFURT/BFI/BNP is out of the office.

2005-03-24 Thread eric . moos
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Re: Secure Remote Backups (using SSH) - Using a backup user account

2005-03-24 Thread David Nicholls
Hash: SHA1
Martin Schröder wrote:
| Add and sudo to your solution.
| Backupuser does a forced sudo (without passwd), which
| locks him to reading.
| Best regards
| Martin
My thanks to all who replied.   
I went down the and sudo option. There was a couple of very
minor hacks to to get it to work with the sudo command, but
now works a treat!
If anyone wants more details, please ask.
Thanks to all again,
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: mkstemp fails but data still transferred

2005-03-24 Thread Phil Howard
On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 11:27:57PM -0600, John Van Essen wrote:

| On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Steve Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > 
| > What seems to be happening is that even though the directory doesn't exist
| > and the temporary file can't be created the data is transferred but
| > not written anywhere
| > I guess what I'm getting at is that if rsync can't create the temporary
| > file shouldn't it just bail ?
| The Documentation section of the rsync web site has a "How Rsync Works" page:
| originally written by the late JW Schultz.
| In the pipeline section you'll see that communication is unidirectional.
| One of rsync's many advantages is streaming unidirectional pipelines.
| Not having two-way chatter helps speed up file transfers.
| Since it is optimized for the normal case where there are no problems
| on the receiving end, the receiver has no way to tell the sender to
| stop sending file content when there is a problem, and must accept and
| discard the remainder of the file (which is what you are seeing).
| Subsequent file transfers might be successful, so it can't abort, yet.
| Hope that helps.

An option to specify action would help more, IMHO.  Since there is no
two-way chatter, the choices are obviously limited.  How about:

  --create-fail-action=discard (default)

or some such?

| Phil Howard KA9WGN   | |
| (first name) at | |
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