
2002-04-25 Thread Rich Winkel


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"symmetric" mirroring (was "testing")

2002-04-25 Thread Rich Winkel

Sorry for the junk mail, it seems my last post was lost in the ether,
despite being successfully delivered to lists.samba.org (!)
Very frustrating, since I didn't keep a copy of it.

My question was regarding what might be called symmetric mirroring,
where two sets of identical files, both being simultaneously updated,
are periodically syncronized.

Has anyone implemented this?  I posted a script which I think
would work.  If my original post doesn't show up I guess I'll have
to type it in again.  At any rate, implementing it in rsync doesn't
seem like it would be too difficult.


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Re: "symmetric" mirroring (was "testing")

2002-04-25 Thread Rich Winkel

Hi Martin,

I guess I need to be more specific.  I have a unix user who has unix
machines at home and at work.  He wants local access to the same set of
files whether he's at home or at work.

> If each side updates a non-overlapping set of files you can do this
> using --update to push only the newer file to each side.

That much I figured out, but a problem arises when files are created
or deleted.  If a file on A has no counterpart on B, should it be
deleted or copied over to B?  My primitive idea is just to compare
the date stamp (or inode modification time) of the file with the
time of the last rsync, and either copy it over if it's newer, or
delete it.  Not very pretty, I know, but it would suffice for his
purposes, and it would be easy to implement with an option like
where date_stamp_file is "touched" every time rsync runs.
Ideally this would cause rsync to run in a "duplex" mode where
files could be copied in either direction depending on which is
newer.  But that part sounds like a pretty major project.

> If single files are updated on both sides you need a content-dependent
> way of merging them, which is out of the scope of rsync.  Have a look
> at the Unison tool.

Thanks for the tip, it sounds interesting.  I'll check it out!


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Concurrent tree-mapping (2.5.2)

2002-05-13 Thread Rich Winkel

Hi, maybe this is fixed in the current version, but in listening
to the disk drives on two rsyncing hosts in the same room, it was
apparent that the target machine only started mapping out its directory
structure after the source machine had finished doing so, doubling
the startup time.  Seems like concurrency would be worth adding if
it's not too much trouble.


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"touch" option for -c ?

2003-11-14 Thread Rich Winkel
Hi, I hope this hasn't been asked before ... I couldn't find it anyway.

To the best of my knowledge, without the -c option rsync judges file
differences based on date stamp and file size.  This speeds things up
of course but can be problematic when date stamps of two otherwise
identical files are uncontrollable (say when they come from two
different sources, such as installed from CD vs FTP).  So -c is
called for, right?  Is there any way to have rsync syncronize the
date stamps of the files on the destination host (even the ones
that aren't changed) so that subsequent rsyncs can omit -c?


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