there's an unsupported, it-works-for-us patch that's seen a bit of
testing on Solaris 2.6/8 and rudimentary testing on Linux with Andre-
as G's ACL implementation. most of the code is ripped straight out of
the samba 2.2.5 source tree; the rest of it is stuff that i don't
expect anybody to ever seriously consider merging into the rsync
tree and which i wouldn't defend against claims that it could wreck
your machine, your career, your life, your mojo etc.


(thanks, JMC, for hosting)

to apply to a 2.5.5 tree,

% cd wherever/rsync-2.5.5
% gunzip < whereverelse/rsync-2.5.5-acl.diff.gz | patch -p0 \
 && ./configure --with-acl-support=yes ... \
 && make clean all

to use, throw in a `-A' option. if it doesn't work, make sure both
your local and remote (if different) rsync's have been patched:

% rsync --version | grep acl
Capabilities: 64-bit files, socketpairs, hard links,  acls, symlinks,
% ssh remote rsync --version \| grep acl
Capabilities: 64-bit files, socketpairs, hard links,  acls, symlinks,

aside from that, the failure modes are largely unexplored

i encourage anybody who has the hacking muse and the inclination to
fix or proffer a better patch and maybe even to see about getting
something merged into the project. i think, at any rate, purloining
the samba guys' work is a decent basis for such an endeavor. anyway,
my only commitment to ongoing maintenance is to update for 2.5.6,
since that release seems imminent, and then whatever releases we keep
in step with at my work
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