FYI, I decided to release a new version of my next-generation protocol
test app because I created an optimized transfer mode when files are
being sent whole (it bypasses all calls to librsync).  This makes my
"rZync" test app faster than rsync for sending whole files (rather than
4x slower, like it was).  This is significant because it helps to assure
me that my single-process generator/receiver will be able to keep up
with rsync's dual process implementation.  A full-file transfer appears
to be faster than rsync, even on a dual processor system.  For instance,
this test was 775 files in 126 directories:

---------------------------------- rsync ----------------------------------
wrote 32920749 bytes  read 12420 bytes  9409476.86 bytes/sec
total size is 32869747  speedup is 1.00
rsync -av foo /tmp  2.23s user 1.54s system 162% cpu 2.314 total

wrote 32920749 bytes  read 12420 bytes  7318482.00 bytes/sec
total size is 32869747  speedup is 1.00
rsync -av foo /tmp  2.23s user 1.55s system 105% cpu 3.588 total

---------------------------------- rZync ----------------------------------
wrote 32900189 bytes (16813)  read 5534 bytes (5534)  13162289.20 bytes/sec
total size is 32869700  speedup is 1.00
rs -av foo /tmp  0.34s user 0.56s system 39% cpu 2.274 total

wrote 32900064 bytes (16688)  read 5534 bytes (5534)  13162239.20 bytes/sec
total size is 32869700  speedup is 1.00
rs -av foo /tmp  0.42s user 0.69s system 58% cpu 1.910 total

I've also updated my new-protocol web page to explain what I'm trying to
accomplish (which some folks probably missed the first-time around):

Here's the tar file of the new release:

For that that want to try this out, use the "rs" perl script to control
rZync in an rsync-like manner (a temporary, test-mode situation), or
control it yourself by sending it commands on stdin.


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