RT 3.6.1
Additional statuses are created in RT_config.pm
at the section:

@ActiveStatus = qw(new open testing stalled) unless @ActiveStatus;
@InactiveStatus = qw(resolved closed rejected deleted) unless
- testing and closed are the additional statuses
To make them appear in the web interface check out the files:
"path_to_RT/html/Elements/" Quicksearch and QueueSummary
When looking inside you'll see the sections concerning the ticket


<& /Elements/QueueSummary,
    cache => 'quick_search_queues',
    queue_filter => sub { $_->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket') &&
!exists $unwanted->{$_->Name} },
    conditions => [ {cond => "Status = 'new'", name => loc ('new') },
    {cond => "Status = 'open'", name => loc ('open') },
    {cond => "Status = 'stalled'", name => loc ('stalled') },
    {cond => "Status = 'testing'", name => loc ('testing') }] &>

    % my $i;
    % for my $queue (@queues) {
    % $i++;
    % my $queue_cond = "Queue = '$queue->{Name}' AND ";
    % my $all_q = $queue_cond . "(Status = 'open' OR Status = 'new' OR
Status = 'stalled' OR Status = 'testing')";
    <tr class="<% $i%2 ? 'oddline' : 'evenline'%>" >
    <td><a href="<% $RT::WebPath%>/Search/Results.html?Query=<%$all_q%>"
title="<% $queue->{Description} %>"><%$queue->{Name}%></a></td>

The part with testing is an additional status to display

Now you have to change RT at a glance.
    - Login as RT administrator.
    - At the right of the bar just below "RT at a glance" is a link
    - Click on it. A new screen appears.
    - Click now on "Current search" at the left just below "RT at a
    - You arrive at "Customize Current Search".
    - Click on: You can also edit the predefined search itself: Search -
Current search.
    - You will see now the Query Builder. Add the status to the query
and save it at "RT System's saved searches".
       It is possible you need to try out this. I had problems getting
it right but suddenly it worked.
Changing the "10 highest priority tickets I own" and "10 newest unowned
tickets" views is similar to the way described here above.
To activate the made changes restart the apache server.
(/etc/init.d/apache2 restart) (Might not be necessary)
These changes are for all queues.
For the closed status no additional changes are made since changing a
ticket to this status will make it invisible anyway.
This status is used with custom scrips to send mail.
In the example below a Global approach is used.
Create first a Global Template:
    - Name: StatusChangedToClosed
    - Description: Status Changed To Closed
    - Content: 
        RT-Attach-Message: yes
        The status of this ticked has changed to closed.
        Meaning no more action will be taken on this ticket.
        This ticket won't be visible anymore.

Create then the Global scrip:
    - Description: StatusChangedToClosed
    - Condition: User Defined
    - Action: User Defined
    - Template: Global template: StatusChangedToClosed
    - Custom condition: return(0) unless (
lc($self->TransactionObj->NewValue) eq "closed" );
    - Custom action preparation code: 
        # Now magically turn myself into a Requestor Notify object...
        require RT::Action::Notify; bless($self, 'RT::Action::Notify');
        $self->{Argument} = 'Owner, Requestor, Cc, AdminCc';
        return 1;
    - Custom action cleanup code: "never needed"
To make them active restart the Apache server (/etc/init.d/apache2
restart) (Might not be necessary)
To compile this mini "How to" several Internet sources have been
Emmanuel Lacour pointed me in the direction of changing "RT at a glance"
and others, which I should mention but I can't retrieve them anymore.
Thank's to everyone and good luck.

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