
Our AD usernames are numeric.

I noticed that during login, if the username is numeric, it runs the following 
"SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE id = '<ID>'"

if it's not numeric, it does a lookup on the 'Name' field.

I took over a 3.6 install which had a small customization in 
'share/html/autohandler' which seems simple enough:

if ($user =~ /^\d+$/) {
   $user = "rt$user";

So it would authenticate with numeric ID to AD, but prefix it with 'rt' on the 
RT side when populating the 'Name' field.

I am trying to replicate this in the 4.0 install. 

Seems like it would be an easy change in 
'local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm', but I 
haven't been able to find the right spot to prefix $username. But then again, 
I'm not that good at figuring out other people's code.

Any thoughts / Pointers?

AD is out of my control, and would involve a lot of red[ish] tape to change, so 
I would prefer to avoid that.


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