RTx-EmailCompletion by Nicolas Chuche

When installing the RTx-EmailCompletion on RT 3.8.1

1) Install the plugin per the instructions here:

2) In your RTHOME/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm enable the plugin like: 

3) Because of (something) it installs to the plugin/EmailCompletion
directory instead plugin/RTx-EmailCompletion
Create a symlink to the RTx-EmailCompletion directory:
ln -s RTHOME/local/plugins/EmailCompletion

Start/Stop apache2 and/or clear the mason cache  (I just reboot) and it
should work.

(Side note, this might be fixed in the 0.05 version, I started with 0.04
and upgraded to 0.05 but still had the problem)

Also noted in this post:

The information contained in this communication may be confidential or legally 
privileged and is intended only for the recipient named above. If the reader of 
this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any 
dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication or its contents is 
strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, 
immediately advise the sender and delete the original and any copies from your 
computer system.


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