I'm attempting to install/config a new installation of RT 3.6.0 and
have hit a roadblock. I went through the install of all the perl mods
and 'make testdeps' showed: "Everything was found."

I config'd apache as instructed also but when I start apache and go to
the url I get:

[Thu Jun 29 16:47:30 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.58 (Unix)
mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.5 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Jun 29 16:47:41 2006] [error] [client] Can't locate
object method "content_type" via package "Apache2::RequestRec" at
/opt/pkg/rt-3.6.0/bin/webmux.pl line 109.\n

The important section of webmux.pl is:
103:sub handler {
104:    ($r) = @_;
106:    local $SIG{__WARN__};
107:    local $SIG{__DIE__};
109:    if ($r->content_type =~ m/^httpd\b.*\bdirectory/i) {
110:        use File::Spec::Unix;
111:        # Our DirectoryIndex is always index.html, regardless of
httpd settings
112:        $r->filename( File::Spec::Unix->catfile( $r->filename,
'index.html' ) );
113:    }
114:#    elsif (defined( $r->content_type )) {
115:        #$r->content_type !~ m!(^text/|\bxml\b)!i or return -1;
116:#    }

The important section of httpd.conf is:
NameVirtualHost *:81
<VirtualHost *>
   ServerName some.cool.tld
   DocumentRoot /opt/pkg/rt-3.6.0/share/html
   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

   PerlModule Apache::DBI
   PerlRequire /opt/pkg/rt-3.6.0/bin/webmux.pl

   <Location />
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler RT::Mason

Any ideas? I tried adding 'PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec' to the
httpd.conf but then I got blank pages.

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