
we have many custom fields. Is it possible inside Modify.html to have more than 
one CF per row? 

In RT 4.2.6 html/Ticket/Modify.html shows all custom fields (grouped or not 
grouped) below each other.
Is there a way to have not only one custom field in each row but maybe 2 or 3 ?

I walk through the code - if I make the change (2), 2 columns appears in the 
Modify.html page. Is there may be a better way? I think my hack is not a good 

The config setting "EditCustomFieldsSingleColumn" has no effect in Modify.html? 
Tried to set it to 0,1,2 and 'undef'.


(1) html/Elements/EditCustomFields:104 (RT 4.2.6) - adding "$AsTable=0;" 
(Called from html/Ticket/Modify.html)

+ $AsTable=0;
  $AsTable ||= $InTable;
  my $FIELD = $AsTable ? 'tr' : 'div';
  my $CELL  = $AsTable ? 'td' : 'div';

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