Has anyone else tried the QuickDelete extension?

I've been trying it on my 3.8.2 dev instance, and for the most part it  
seems to be working; I get a Delete tab on the ticket reply page, at  
least.  But from looking at the code, it seems that the intention was  
that a Delete link should also appear on some search result panels, if  
the format is configured correctly.  I know some users would love to  
be able to do that, but thus far I don't seem to be able to make it  
work.  I've set the $DefaultSearchResultFormat variable as requested  
in the README for the extension, but that didn't seem to make any  
difference; the portlets and search results all look the same as they  
always did.   When should that take effect?

I wrote a small script to examine the contents of the portlets as they  
exist within the Attributes table, and none of those mention the  
Delete column - do I need to update those portlet records with a new  
Format sub-value?  The README suggests that there should have been a  
database update phase during installation (make initdb) but that  
makefile target does not exist, and there don't appear to be any data  
files suitable for inserting into the database anyway.

Clearly I'm missing something, but at present I'm a bit flummoxed as  
to what.



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