
Have anyone tried using the rt client (rt3/bin/rt) from within the web 
interface (apache2/mod_perl2) ?
Or have anyone tried to get 2 RT instances talking to each other (in a 
method other than email)?

We have 2 sites each with its own RT and sometimes there will be shared 
issues that both sites need to deal with, the process I thought of is :
 - have a ticket in RT.com1 , within the ticket display page  a button 
that will create a ticket in RT.com2  (via  REST), and another button 
that allow updating a ticket in RT.com2 from the current ticket (in 

I am trying to use Apache2::RequestUtil->request to spawn sub process to 
call the rt client :
my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
$r->spawn_proc_prog($com,  \...@com_args);

where $com is rt3/bin/rt
and @com_args being ("create", "-t", "ticket", "set", 
"subject=$subject", "queue=$queue", "requestor=\"user.n...@email.com\"") 
to create a ticket
("correspond", "-m", "$text", "$ticket_number") to update a ticket

Creating seem to work fine , however updating is randomly dying with 
Segmentation fault?

Any help or pointers is appreciated, I am not fussed about using 
Apache2::RequestUtil any alternative is fine for me ?


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