
        I have a server with a working RT on it (version 3.4.5).  One
        a separate virtual domain, I added a 3.6.6 RT that is
        completely separate (different directory, db, etc).

        I got the thing set up as far as getting to the point of
        doing the apache configs.  I am getting this message when I go
        to the newer RT:

Not Found
The requested URL / was not found on this server.

        If I comment out these two lines in my apache configs, I get
        the "You're Almost There!" message:

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason

        But with those lines in place, I get the 404 error above.

        I am not getting any useful information from my apache error
        and access logs.  There is nothing in the var/log directory in
        my RT install directory in /opt.

        Has anyone seen anything like this ?  Is there some sort of
        debug flag I can turn on somewhere to get me more information

        If I cannot get this fixed quickly, I will try simply copying
        the 3.4.5 RT that works on this machine . . . I would like to
        use the latest version if possible, however.


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