Hi All
I am having a problem with web login interface.

I wanted to change the logo and followed instruction in another
thread, i.e. in SiteConfig
# $WebImagesURL points to the base URL where RT can find its images.
Set($WebImagesURL , $WebPath . "/NoAuth/images/");
# $LogoURL points to the URL of the RT logo displayed in the web UI
Set($LogoURL , $WebImagesURL . "empty_star.gif");
Set($LogoLinkURL , 'http://www.mywebsite');
Set($LogoImageURL , $WebImagesURL . "empty_star.gif");
Set($LogoAltText , "myweb_site.com");

Retarted apache but I do not see the new logo. Actually looking at html sources
everything seems ok as
<div id="logo">
<a href="http://bestpractical.com";><img
    alt="BEST Practical Solutions, LLC corporate logo"
    width="177" height="33" /></a>
    <span class="rtname">RT for AXL</span>
but logo displayed is still bplogo.gif? Also, I see at the end of the
*html source
another strange thing
<div id="footer">
  <p id="time">
    <span>Time to display: 0.020637</span>

  <p id="bpscredits">
&#187;&#124;&#171; RT 3.8.1 Copyright 1996-2008 <a
href="http://www.bestpractical.com?rt=3.8.1";>Best Practical Solutions,

but I cannot see the Time to display string either. So thought error
was due to some css problem..looking for css, at top of source I have
<link rel=" icon" href="/NoAuth/images//favicon.png" type="image/png" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/NoAuth/css/web2/main-squished.css"
type="text/css" media="all" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/NoAuth/css/print.css" type="text/css"
media="print" />

but I cannot find *squished.css anywhere?!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rt3]#find . -name *css | grep squished

I have ./share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/main.css, should I use that? if
so, how do I set the change in css to use
as RT*Config* seem not to set *squished.css in any variable.


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