On May 18, 2007, at 2:40 AM, Brian Kjelin Olsen wrote:

No, I haven't heard of any having the same problem with Danish letters in the subject only.

If there are other message headers with Danish characters, do they get similarly mangled? Are the characters typed in as unicode or latin-1? Does it happen only with one mail client or with many? Are there clients it doesn't happen iwth?

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Brian Kjelin Olsen
Schilling A/S

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jesse Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 16. maj 2007 18:35
Til: Brian Kjelin Olsen
Cc: RT Users
Emne: Re: SV: [rt-users] Charset error in subject when using Danish letters (æøå / ÆØÅ)

On May 16, 2007, at 6:38 AM, Brian Kjelin Olsen wrote:

Hi Jesse

I'm sorry that this reply was delayed, but several other tasks were
impediment for continuing this issue. Nevertheless, it is still an
issue we haven't bin able to solve even though several people have
suggested changes of various settings.

You asked for the Perl and Mime version and about the database and
webui setup.
- MimeTools version is: 5.420. The encode version was: 2.01 but is
upgraded to 2.20
- Perl version is: v5.8.5 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
- DB (Oracle) and webui looks alright - no strange conversions...

Everything looks right - except for the subject in e-mails returned
from RT...
There are no problems with Danish letters in the mail body.

Has anyone else seen this issue? (Finding commonalities would help
track it down)

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Brian Kjelin Olsen
Schilling A/S

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jesse Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 25. april 2007 15:40
Til: Brian Kjelin Olsen
Cc: RT Users
Emne: Re: [rt-users] Charset error in subject when using Danish
letters (æøå / ÆØÅ)

On Apr 25, 2007, at 5:26 AM, Brian Kjelin Olsen wrote:

During our correspondence with our customers by mail through the RT
system, the Danish letters (æøå / ÆØÅ) is getting unreadable when
they are placed in the subject.
Any ideas would be most welcome.

Example:         "Subject: Fwd: [support.schilling.dk #120841]
Sÿgefunktion på kunde. ÿBLEGRÿDÿ - ÿblegrÿdå"
Correct subject: "Subject: Fwd: [support.schilling.dk #120841]
Søgefunktion på kunde. ÆBLEGRØDÅ - æblegrødå"

What Perl version are you running? Are you current on MIME::Tools and
Encode? Is it right in the database and/or webui?

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