Hi everybody,

A short definition at first. Let localpath be my path where my RT is installed.

I have got a plugin called RT-Extension-Dummy. It has only got one module Create.html in localpath/plugins/RT-Extension-Dummy/html/Ticket. The only difference compared to Create.html in localpath/share/html/Ticket is that you see this message in the code:

<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &>
This is just a dummy version of Create.html! Please ignore it! <br />

Everything else is the same. What did I do in order to activate this plugin?

1) I created a directory RT-Extension-Dummy in localpath/local/plugins/

2) I created the following subdirectories:
   - lib
   - lib/RT
   - lib/RT/Extension
   - html
   - html/Ticket

3) I created Dummy.pm in lib/RT/Extension. Its content is:

package RT::Extension::Dummy;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = "0.01";


# omitting pod sequences
4) I copied Create.html from localpath/share/html/Ticket.html to localpath/local/plugins/RT-Extension-Dummy and inserted the text I mentioned at the beginning.

5) I changed localpath/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm and extended @plugins like this:

Set (@plugins,(... , "RT::Extension::Dummy"));

6) I restarted  the httpd server.

Having accomplished all of these steps, I still do not see the text
This is just a dummy version of Create.html! Please ignore it!

in Ticket/RtimCreate.html.

What should I do in addition to activate RT-Extension-Dummy? By the way, I am root on my shell I work with.

Thanks in advance,

Wolfram Hüttermann

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