Here is how I successfully replaced the default logo in RT 3.8.7:

1)  Add the following to, which may me in /opt/rt3/etc/
or /etc/request-tracker3.8/.  Alter as appropriate.

Set($WebBaseURL, "";);
Set($WebPath , "/rt");
Set($WebURL, $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . "/");
Set($WebImagesURL, $WebURL . "NoAuth/images/");
Set($LogoLinkURL, $WebBaseUrl);
Set($LogoURL, $WebImagesURL . "mylogo.png");
Set($LogoAltText, "Yoyodyne Inc");
Set($LogoWidth, '100');
Set($LogoHeight, '50');

2)  Copy $RT_HOME/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css to
$RT_HOME/local/html/NoAuth/css/web2/.  Around line 172 (with RT 3.8.7)
you'll see:

div#logo a {
     display: none;
     left: 0;
     bottom: 0;

Change that to something suitable.  The following will place the logo at
the bottom left of every page with the left edge aligned with main body
of the page:

div#logo a {
     display: fixed;
     left: 10%;
     bottom: 1%;

It would be nice to get to set this part without the need 
to edit layout.css?

3)  Put your logo in $RT_HOME/local/html/NoAuth/images/.  Make sure the 
filename here matches what you pout in

4)  Copy $RT_HOME/share/html/Elements/Logo to
$RT_HOME/local/html/Elements.  Around line 48 you'll see a line that
begins with "<div id="logo">".  That entire "div" section should be
replaced with this:

<div id="logo">
<a href="<%$RT::LogoLinkURL%>"><img
     alt="<% loc("<%$RT::LogoAltText%") %>"
     width="<%$RT::LogoWidth%>" height="<%$RT::LogoHeight%>" /></a>
% if ( $ShowName ) {
     <span class="rtname"><% $Name || loc("RT for [_1]",
     RT->Config->Get('rtname')) %></span>
% }

This edit really should be in RT by default.

5)  This edit is optional.  That big Best Practical logo bugs me, so I
remove it like this:

cp -p $RT_HOME/share/html/Elements/Footer \
cp /dev/null $RT_HOME/share/html/Elements/Footer

6)  Now restart apache.

David Griffith

A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

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