Hi ,
Hope You are well today!!!

I'm *Ankit (Recruiter) *from* Buddha tech.*  I have an open opportunity if
you are available or have any consultant you can send the resume at
anki...@buddha.tech or you reach me at 669-261-5028 and if you could refer
someone i really appreciate it.

*Java Developer*
*Interview – phone/Skype*
*Client- Anthem*

 •*Required Skills :*

Spring and Java are an absolute must!!

- 5+ Years of experience Java (Spring Boot, Some modern Javascript
Framework) Java

- 3+ Years of experience Spring Core, Boot, Integration, Batch

- Solid SQL and Hibernate experience

- CI/CD pipeline


Ankit Gautam
Technical Recruiter
Tel: 206-209-1780
Email: anki...@buddha.tech
*Buddha Tech LLC ( Staffing Solution )| **www.buddha.tech*
919 N Market St, Suite 950, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, US

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