why can't we just round them up and send them home????
GWB has to stop appeasing that 70's porn star Vicentes Fox....

> Jamie  has sent you an article from The Washington Times.
> Jamie Watts's comments:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> By Jerry Seper
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Millions of illegal aliens in the United States would be free from arrest
and deportation, have access to tax-deferred savings accounts and Social
Security credits, and get unrestricted travel to and from their home
countries under President Bush's guest-worker program.
>     According to previously undisclosed details of the president's plan,
which some critics have described as a limited amnesty, the proposal offers
numerous "incentives" for the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens to come
"out of the shadows," Homeland Security Undersecretary Asa Hutchinson, the
nation's border and transportation security czar, told a Senate panel.
>     Mr. Hutchinson, in a written response to questions from the Senate
Judiciary Committee, said the Bush plan would help eliminate sleepless
nights for illegal aliens worried that a simple misstep, such as a traffic
ticket or accident, "could result in bringing them to the attention of
federal authorities and their subsequent deportation."
>     "Eliminating the fear of deportation will be an incentive," Mr.
Hutchinson said in the 13-page response. "Undocumented aliens will tell you
they often have trouble sleeping at night, and leaving for work each day,
not knowing if they will make it home at the end of the day."
>     Mr. Hutchinson said the president's guest-worker plan recognizes that
some aliens working illegally in this country who decide to pursue
citizenship should be "allowed to apply for lawful permanent residence in
the normal way."
>     But, he said, in order not to give an "unfair advantage" to illegal
aliens over those immigrants "who have followed legal procedures from the
start," the Bush plan would seek "a reasonable annual increase in legal
>     In January, Mr. Bush proposed a guest-worker program that would allow
millions of illegal aliens in the country to remain if they have jobs and
apply as guest workers.
>     The Senate panel sent Mr. Hutchinson its questions at that time. Mr.
Hutchinson responded within a few weeks, although his answers were not made
>     Under Mr. Bush's proposal, the aliens could stay for an undetermined
number of renewable 3-year periods, after which they could seek permanent
legal status.
>     The proposal has been met with criticism from law enforcement
authorities and has been challenged by both Republicans and Democrats. Some
have called the plan an amnesty program that invites aliens in this country
illegally to gain perpetual legal status. Others said it was unpractical and
could become a scheme to identify illegal aliens and deport them.
>     The National Border Patrol Council, which represents all 10,000 of the
Border Patrol's nonsupervisory agents, has called the Bush plan a "slap in
the face to anyone who has ever tried to enforce the immigration laws of the
United States."
>     In the written response, Mr. Hutchinson said the Bush plan would:
>     ·Allow illegal aliens working in the United States to create
tax-deferred savings accounts that could be withdrawn on return to their
home countries. He said this would encourage savings and even capitalization
in businesses, houses or land in the aliens' home countries.
>     ·Give the aliens access to bilateral agreements the United States has
with 20 countries, allowing them to combine earned Social Security credits
and receive benefits in their home country. He said the administration would
work with its international partners to encourage recognition of the aliens'
contributions in both countries.
>     ·Give the aliens access to travel, knowing they can "go and return
freely to the country of origin for celebrations, funerals or vacations." He
said cards would be given to the aliens allowing them to travel back and
forth between their home countries and the United States "without fear of
being denied re-entry."
>     Mr. Hutchinson said the president believes provisions should be made
for the aliens' families to remain in this country or travel to the United
States with the temporary workers, if they can demonstrate an ability to
financially support their families and if the family members are not
criminal or security risks.
>     Current law says an alien who has lived illegally in the United States
for longer than 180 days must return home and wait three years before
applying for legal visitor or immigrant status, and 10 years if he has been
here illegally for a year.
>     Mr. Hutchinson said that since many of the illegal aliens who would
participate in the Bush plan would have exceeded the three-year and 10-year
bars, any legislation to create the program would need to supercede those
>     Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry has said that within
100 days of taking office as president, he would propose a plan to legalize
illegal immigrants who have lived in the country for at least five years,
worked and paid taxes, and passed a security background check. Unlike the
Bush plan, Mr. Kerry would grant green cards and give illegal immigrants a
path to citizenship.
>     Much of Mr. Hutchinson's response was directed at questions by Sen.
Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, who asked why illegal aliens in
the United States would participate in the Bush plan if they were going to
be sent home in three or six years.
>     "These are people who have lived here for a decade or more, put down
roots, are raising U.S. children. Unless they are assured an opportunity to
apply for permanent residence and ultimately citizenship, why would they
come out of the shadows for a few years to risk deportation when the program
ends?" Mr. Kennedy asked.
>     ·Stephen Dinan contributed to the article.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This article was mailed from The Washington Times
> For more great articles, visit us at http://www.washingtontimes.com
> Copyright (c) 2004 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

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