Pretty good Wesley Britt article.

Roll Tide!


"I think the injury might have actually helped him," said guard Evan Mathis, Britt's friend and long-time teammate.

That's why he's brought that fire onto the field this fall, leading coaches to say Britt is faster and stronger than ever heading into Saturday's 6 p.m. opener against Utah State.

"Wesley looks better now than when I first met him," Tide head coach Mike Shula said. "He looks like he's moving around better than he ever did, and yet his strength is up. He really worked hard in the offseason."

Said Connelly: "It's the work ethic, the inner-drive he has. No coach is going to bring that out in a player. Either they have it or they don't."

Alabama's players noticed Britt's recovery, only enhancing his status as a leader on a young, untested team with an awful lot to prove coming off a 4-9 season, and an off-field leader to guys getting used to a new life at college.


"Ever since my injury, I've been beating up on myself through the rehabilitation process," Britt said. "Then, I was beating on myself through the strength and conditioning program, and then my teammates in summer camp.

"I'm ready to do that to someone else."

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