NCAA directors have competing bowl eligibility proposals 

                The Associated Press
                10/29/01 8:15 PM

                INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- An NCAA oversight panel endorsed
                a proposal to require football teams to win six games in
                11-game season or seven in a 12-game season to be
                eligible for postseason bowls. 

                The Football Study Oversight Committee's endorsement
                Monday puts it at odds with the NCAA Division I
                Management Council, which last week approved a
                measure that would permit a team with just six wins in a
                12-game season to go to a bowl. 

                The NCAA's Board of Directors is scheduled to consider
                that proposal later this week. 

                The Football Study Oversight Committee includes eight
                college presidents, a representative from the Bowl
                Championship Series and other college and conference

                The panel said it did not concur with the proposal
                by the Management Council. Instead, it endorsed a
                recommendation from the NCAA's Division I Football
                Certification Subcommittee. 

                The oversight panel also requested Monday that
                be considered to allow a Division I-A school to count a
                game against an I-AA opponent in a 12-game season for
                bowl-eligibility purposes. 

                The panel also recommended that the NCAA hold off from
                legislating a maximum number of bowl games, and
                suggested that conferences use an "open market" concept
                to negotiate their bowl opportunities. 


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