I stand corrected. I totally forgot about that. Thanks for the


Thursday, September 9, 2004, 9:20:14 AM, you wrote:

JRW> Quoting M Laborde at 21:45 08-09-04:
>>ML--> If anyone has even read this far you should know that I am livid over
>>ML--> these terrorist acts againt children. It's not like Bama-Viles or even
>>ML--> Conservative-commie liberals to me. This is on another level entirely.
>>ML--> Russis should do just as we did in Afghanistan and unilaterally attack
>>ML--> Chechnya, oust the ruling terrorist governement and replace it with a
>>ML--> democratic one. Not a damn thing wrong with that. It's not the

JRW> Mike,

JRW> Get your facts straight. It supports your rant a whole lot better.

JRW> The Russian's already did that.

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