Thursday, September 9, 2004, 8:41:47 PM, you wrote:

ML> Thursday, September 9, 2004, 8:18:21 PM, you wrote:

ML>> Thursday, September 9, 2004, 7:14:20 PM, you wrote:

ML>>> Troy just tied the game at 14. 2 TDs in under 3 minutes!

ML>>> 4:33 left in the 2nd...

ML>> =================================================

ML>> 4:00 left in the 3rd & Troy is up by 3 (14-17).

ML>> Troy has a damn good defense. The offense ain't so hot, though.

ML> ========================================================

ML> DAMN Touchdown Troy State! PAT is good.

ML> 14-42 with 11:13 left in the game. It ain't over but the Phat (Phil II?)
ML> Lady has started toward the field from the stands.


After a deep punt they stopped on the 5 or so, Troy intercepted the
ball with 4 mins to go in the game.

The fat lady is starting toward the center of the field...

The PHAT lady is afraid of the crown storming the field and crushing
her. I'll be glad to help protect her. eheh...

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