Hi Greg,

The points we have converged are trimmed, because I received a notice from 
rtg-bfd-ow...@ietf.org that "Message body is too big".

Please see inline [XM-3]>>>.


It is stated in the Abstract:

   BFD Async procedures can be executed over the BFD

   Echo port where the neighboring system only loops packets back to the

   local system.

Is this conclusion differs from the definition of the BFD Echo function in RFC 
5880? If it is not, what is the value of such a re-statement? If it is, it 
seems like an explicit attribution of this conclusion to this document would be 
[XM]>>> RFC 5880 doesn't say BFD Async procedures can be executed over the BFD 
Echo port because it classifies BFD Echo as an affiliated function. Would you 
please suggest some text you think helpful?

GIM>> I am a bit confused by the "BFD Async procedures" term. In your opinion, 
what are these procedures defined in RFC 5880? BFD state machine? BFD state 
changes? I believe it would help me if you could give an example, and add more 
details to the interpretation of that term. 

[XM-2]>>> The "BFD Async procedures" term was introduced by Jeff in his 
comments on -05 version of this draft [1]. My understanding to the term is that 
the BFD Control packet and the procedure on demultiplexing it, as well as the 
BFD state machine and the procedure on changing the state are mostly reused.

[1] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/rtg-bfd/JN4DpQjiudBGUJn8beapEwuhlH0/

GIM2>> I imagine that we expect a reader of this document to be familiar with 
RFCs 5880 and 5881. AFAIK, neither of these RFCs uses the term "BFD Async 
procedures". If that is correct, then any new term must be explained or defined 
in this document. Would you agree? 

[XM-3]>>> Is s/BFD Async procedures/BFD Control packet and its processing 
procedures more clear?

Is the following a requirement or an observation:

   a network device must be able to quickly detect

   faults in communication with adjacent devices.

If the former, please capitalize the normative language. If the latter, then it 
appears as an arguable view. Indeed, in some cases, local protection is a 
viable option, while in other environments, e2e path protection might be 
[XM]>>> At the beginning of the sentence "in some cases" can be added, is that 
acceptable to you?

GIM>> I think that the capability to faster detection of a network failure is 
always desirable. Thus, the statement can be presented as a general node 
requirement. On the other hand, it can be worded as an observation. Using 
normative keywords in a lowercase form might confuse readers. 

[XM-2]>>> I'd like to try again. Please see the proposed changes as below.


 To minimize the impact of device/link faults on services and improve network 
availability, a network device must be able to quickly detect faults in 
communication with adjacent devices.NEW

 To minimize the impact of device/link faults on services and improve network 
availability, in some cases a network device needs to be able to quickly detect 
faults in communication with adjacent devices.

GIM2>> In your opinion, how important to the document and this text is it to 
say "in some cases"? Personally, I think that the ability to quickly detect a 
network failure is a generic requirement, essential in all scenarios.

[XM-3]>>> Please note that "in some cases" is derived from your comments 
"Indeed, in some cases, local protection is a viable option, while in other 
environments, e2e path protection might be preferable". The text focuses on the 
communication with adjacent devices, so "in some cases" is used, does that make 
sense to you?

Further, in Introduction, I read:

   Section 5 of

   [RFC5880] indicates that the payload of a BFD Echo packet is a local

   matter and hence its contents are outside the scope of that

   specification.  This document, on the other hand, specifies the

   contents of the Echo packets and what to do with them.

It seems to me that this draft is positioned as the definition of the content 
of an Echo message and the processing of it, whether as an unaffiliated or 
affiliated (RTC5880-style) function. Is that correct?
[XM]>>> That's incorrect. This document specifies only Unaffiliated BFD Echo, 
and  it doesn't touch affiliated BFD Echo.

GIM>> Thank you for the clarification. I feel that the current text and its 
location are unclear. Reiterating the scope of the proposed solution will 
certainly make it clearer.

[XM-2]>>> OK. Please see the proposed changes as below.


 Section 5 of [RFC5880] indicates that the payload of a BFD Echo packet is a 
local matter and hence its contents are outside the scope of that 
specification. This document, on the other hand, specifies the contents of the 
Echo packets and what to do with them.

 Section 5 of [RFC5880] indicates that the payload of an affiliated BFD Echo 
packet is a local matter and hence its contents are outside the scope of that 
specification. This document, on the other hand, specifies the contents of the 
Unaffiliated BFD Echo packets and what to do with them.

GIM2>> I cannot find in RFC 5880 any reference to the affiliated BFD Echo 
function. As I noted above, all new terms used in a document must be explained 
and/or defined in it. I think that applies to the "affiliated BFD Echo" term 

[XM-3]>>> OK. Propose to make some changes to the Introduction section.


 The former scenario is not changed by this document in any way. The
 latter scenario is referred to as Unaffiliated BFD Echo in this document.

 The former scenario is referred to as affiliated BFD Echo, which is not 
changed by this document in any way. The
 latter scenario is referred to as Unaffiliated BFD Echo in this document.

I hope you can help me understand the demultiplexing of Unaffiliated BFD 

   Device A performs its

   initial demultiplexing of a Unaffiliated BFD Echo session using the

   source IP address or UDP source port, once the remote system echoes

   back the local discriminator, all further received packets are

   demultiplexed based on the "Your Discriminator" field only, which is

   conformed to the procedure specified in Section 6.3 of [RFC5880].

Does "initial demultiplexing" refers to the first BFD Control message 
transmitted in the Unaffiliated BFD Echo mode?

[XM]>>> Not exactly. Actually "initial demultiplexing" is applied to the 
received BFD Control packet(s) whose "Your Discriminator" is zero.

GIM>> Perhaps that can be added to the document as "In the case when the value 
of Your Discriminator in the received packet is zero, demultiplexing is done 
based on ..."? 

[XM-2]>>> OK. Please see the proposed changes as below.


 Device A performs its initial demultiplexing of a Unaffiliated BFD Echo 
session using the source IP address or UDP source port, once the remote system 
echoes back the local discriminator...

 Device A performs its initial demultiplexing of a Unaffiliated BFD Echo 
session using the source IP address or UDP source port, that is to say, in the 
case when "Your Discriminator" 
 in the received packet is zero, demultiplexing is done based on the source IP 
address or 
 UDP source port, once the remote system echoes back the local discriminator...

GIM2>> I am not sure what "initial" means in the description of the processing. 
Do you think it can be expressed as follows:
  Unaffiliated BFD Echo packets with zeroed "Your Discriminator" 
  are demultiplexed based on the source IP address or 
   UDP source port ...

[XM-3]>>> Will make the change you proposed if there is no objection from Jeff.

In the description

   Afterwards, the

   provisioned transmission interval is used.

What is the event that triggers the "afterward" transition?
[XM]>>> The preceding text says "The slow transmission rate SHOULD be no less 
then one second per packet, until the session is Up.".

GIM>> Perhaps my question was unclear. I understand that the Sender starts the 
session at a slow rate. Then, after some event, the Sender switches to "the 
provisioned transmission interval". Hence my question What is that event that 
is described as "afterward"? 

[XM-2]>>> The event is that "the session is Up". To me, the text is clear 
enough, please suggest some text if that's still not clear to you.

GIM2>> This document proposes extensive updates to RFC 5880, including the BFD 
state machine. I feel that it is on the authors to clarify how the updated 
state machine operates, and what causes states to change.

[XM-3]>>> OK. Propose to do s/Afterwards/After the session is Up.

Which event triggers the transition in

   *  Your Discriminator MUST be set to 0 initially, and then MUST be

      set to the same as My Discriminator echoed back.

[XM]>>> The event is that "My Discriminator" is echoed/looped back.

GIM>> To me, that is not clear from the current text. I think that adding more 
detail would help.

[XM-2]>>> OK. Please see the proposed changes as below.


 * Your Discriminator MUST be set to 0 initially, and then MUST be set to the 
same as My Discriminator echoed back.

 * Your Discriminator MUST be set to 0 initially, and then MUST be set to the 
same as My Discriminator looped back. In other words, 
 Your Discriminator MUST be changed from 0 to the received My Discriminator 
 once initial demultiplexing of the received packet is done.
GIM2>> Does "initial demultiplexing"  replace BFD Control packet validation as 
defined in RFC 5880 and RFC 5881? As discussed above, demultiplexing only 
matches the source IP address or source UDP port number in the received packet. 
Is that  sufficient to validate it?

[XM-3]>>> I believe the initial demultiplexing is comformed to RFC 5880 and 
5881. It seems to me the source IP address or source UDP port is sufficient for 
initial demultiplexing.

What happens if Desired Min TX Interval, Required Min RX Interval, or Required 
Min Echo is not set to "the expected value"?

[XM]>>> Unset values can be a potential vector for disclosure of uninitialized 

GIM>> I find myself confused. As I understand it, "expected value" is something 
that is known to the system either through configuration or a pre-set 
(hardcoded) value. And that value, supposedly,  in validating the received 
packet, hence the "expected value" clause. But if the value must be ignored, 
then there's no expectation of it in the system. Right? I agree with the 
reasoning for initializing memory before transmitting a packet, but that is far 
from setting it to an "expected value", in my opinion. WDYT?

[XM-2]>>> Here "an expected value" means "a certain value", is "a certain 
value" more clear?

GIM2>> Unless it is used to validate the received packet. If it is not, then 
perhaps a requirement to re-initialize the memory block can do the job. WDYT? 

[XM-3]>>> Now that we all agreed on the desire that "avoid unset values being a 
potential vector for disclosure of uninitialized memory", providing a suggested 
value for each of these fields seems reasonable to me.

Best Regards,

Xiao Min

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