>> I am not at all familiar with building/packaging java or ruby programs.
>> I normally work on C++ w/ autoconf.
>> https://nodeload.github.com/logstash/logstash/tar.gz/v1.1.9
>> The internal Makefile there runs curl/wget to download more source code,
>> which seems to terribly violate any reasonable packaging system. At a
>> minimum, we need to collect all the source code into SOURCEx lines in a
>> .spec file.
>> For Fedora, do we need to separately package elastic search and
>> graphtastic, or can we bundle them into this package?
> No, we definitely cannot bundle anything.
>> Oh my, that Makefile downloads a prebuilt graphtastic .jar file, so we
>> will also need to fetch and build that package from source.
> The best would be, if you could prepare basic .spec file, which might
> even download stuff from internet and we could remove, step-by-step,
> the bundled stuff. We need to start from somewhere anyway ;) At the
> end, it would be best if we can end up with gem for JRuby, which
> depends on stuff such as elasticsearch.

Ya would recommend adding a few lines like the following to the spec file:

find -name '*.jar' -exec rm -f '{}' \;
find -name '*.gem' -exec rm -f '{}' \;
# etc... 

To automatically remove bundled libs before building.

Of course the build process should skip the remote retrieval of the
remote depedencies if possible (or be patched to remove it if not).


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