Fabio Valentini wrote on 2021/02/14 4:29:
Hi everybody,

With a heavy heart, I have orphaned all my Ruby packages today.

- rubygem-kramdown-parser-gfm (kramdown support for GitHub-flavored markdown)
- rubygem-kramdown-syntax-coderay (coderay syntax highlighting support)
- rubygem-rouge (jekyll dep, default syntax highlighter, "compatible"
with pygments)
- rubygem-ruby-progressbar
- rubygem-stringex

Taken these (rubygem-kramdown depends on 4 of these, rubygem-nokogiri depends on
rubygem-ruby-progressbar). The packages I am maintaining is getting broader...
There are some known issues with the packages:

- Some of them are failing to build on Fedora 34 due to changes in
Ruby 3.0 (jekyll, jekyll-feed, liquid, stringex, tomlrb).

Actually rubygem-stringex test failure is not due to ruby 3.0, but change in
RoR 6.1.x suite and I've fixed this. (I've not checked jekyll or so).

Big thanks to everybody who helped me with maintaining my Ruby
packages over the years.

Thank you for maintaining these packages till now.
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