Why don't you add this to your deploy.rb file instead of using spinner 

set :mongrel_conf, 

namespace :deploy do
  namespace :mongrel do
    [ :stop, :start, :restart ].each do |t|
      desc "#{t.to_s.capitalize} the mongrel appserver"
      task t, :roles => :app do
        #invoke_command checks the use_sudo variable to determine how to 
run th$
        invoke_command "mongrel_rails cluster::#{t.to_s} -C 
#{mongrel_conf}", :$

  desc "Custom restart task for mongrel cluster"
  task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do

  desc "Custom start task for mongrel cluster"
  task :start, :roles => :app do

  desc "Custom stop task for mongrel cluster"
  task :stop, :roles => :app do

It works great for me .. I haven't tried achieving the same with your 
approach because "I didn't get it" when reading about it for the first 
time.. This works, because it overrides the default tasks for restarting 
mongrel. So it works with "cap deploy" and of course with "cap 
deploy:mongrel:start" etc.

Maybe I'm wrong.. would be grateful if someone commented on the 
differences between spinner script and this.


Jim Neath wrote:
> I'm having problems with the chmod command. I get the following error:
> ---ERROR------------------
> D:\fapbox.com>cap deploy
> [DEPRECATION] Capistrano.configuration is deprecated. Use 
> Capistrano::Configurat
> ion.instance instead
>   * executing `deploy'
>   * executing `deploy:update'
>  ** transaction: start
>   * executing `deploy:update_code'
>   * executing "svn checkout -q  -r35 http://www.fapbox.com/svn/fapbox 
> /home/fapb
> ox/releases/20070907194029 && (echo 35 > 
> /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/RE
>     servers: ["www.fapbox.com"]
> Password:
>     [www.fapbox.com] executing command
>     command finished
>   * executing `deploy:finalize_update'
>   * executing "chmod -R g+w /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029"
>     servers: ["www.fapbox.com"]
>     [www.fapbox.com] executing command
>     command finished
>   * executing "rm -rf /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/log 
> /home/fapbox/rele
> ases/20070907194029/public/system 
> /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/tmp/pids
> &&\n      mkdir -p /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/public &&\n 
> mkdir -
> p /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/tmp &&\n      ln -s 
> /home/fapbox/shared/l
> og /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/log &&\n      ln -s 
> /home/fapbox/shared/
> system /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/public/system &&\n      ln 
> -s /home/
> fapbox/shared/pids /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/tmp/pids"
>     servers: ["www.fapbox.com"]
>     [www.fapbox.com] executing command
>     command finished
>   * executing "find /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/public/images 
> /home/fap
> box/releases/20070907194029/public/stylesheets 
> /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194
> 029/public/javascripts -exec touch -t 200709071940.47 {} ';'; true"
>     servers: ["www.fapbox.com"]
>     [www.fapbox.com] executing command
>     command finished
>     triggering after callbacks for `deploy:update_code'
>   * executing `fix_script_perms'
>   * executing "chmod 755 
> /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/script/spin"
>     servers: ["www.fapbox.com"]
>     [www.fapbox.com] executing command
>  ** [out :: www.fapbox.com] chmod: cannot access 
> `/home/fapbox/releases/20070907
> 194029/script/spin': No such file or directory
>     command finished
> *** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
>   * executing "rm -rf /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029; true"
>     servers: ["www.fapbox.com"]
>     [www.fapbox.com] executing command
>     command finished
> command "chmod 755 /home/fapbox/releases/20070907194029/script/spin" 
> failed on w
> ww.fapbox.com
> This is my deploy.rb
> ---DEPLOY.RB----------------------
> require 'mongrel_cluster/recipes'
> set :application, "fapbox"
> set :repository,  "http://www.fapbox.com/svn/#{application}";
> set :deploy_to, "/home/#{application}"
> set :runner, "root"
> set :user, "root"
> set :svn_username, "root"
> set :svn_password, "ketimella9"
> set :checkout, "export"
> set :use_sudo, false
> set :mongrel_conf, "#{current_path}/config/mongrel_cluster.yml"
> role :app, "www.#{application}.com"
> role :web, "www.#{application}.com"
> role :db, "www.#{application}.com", :primary => true
> after "deploy:update_code", :fix_script_perms
> task :fix_script_perms do
>   run "chmod 755 #{latest_release}/script/spin"
> end

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