We are upgrading from rails 3 to rails 4. We were using jammit for
javascript/css asset packaging. Now we removed jammit, and are trying to
use rails 4 asset pipeline (sass-rails, uglifier, coffee-rails).
I have a couple of haml files under app/views/layouts,
anonymous.html.haml and application.html.haml, that have the following
!= include_javascripts :base

I know this was used with jammit, but I don't know what it should be
with rails 4. When I run the app on my server, I get this error:
undefined method `include_javascripts' for
If I remove the line, the page loads, but without the layout stuff, so
the page looks weird.

The alternative is to get jammit to work with rails 4. Currently, if I
try to run my app with jammit on rails 4, I see this error:
YUI::Compressor::RuntimeError (Command 'java -jar
--type js --charset utf-8
/opt/tomcat-dse/temp/yui_compress20150325-3685-ebuhis' returned non-zero
exit status):

So bottom line, I am wondering whether to use jammit or not, and what
are the steps to get it working (either way). Thanks in advance.

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