There are cases in math or physics when the granularity is needed. For example, 
when implementing vectors (in the math or physics sense), it doesn't make sense 
to define a division operator, and what you mean by "multiplication" depends on 
if you mean dot product, cross product, or whatever. It'd be simplest to define 
addition and subtraction but require multiplication to use an explicit method 

Is it possible to define a Num interface which is the superset of interfaces 
for addition and multiplication, and use that when necessary?

- Alex Reinhart

On Jan 25, 2012, at 2:18 PM, Marijn Haverbeke wrote:

>> What about an add interface?
> That works, but doesn't provide the conceptual simplicity of a number
> interface, and if you want to write a generic over any numeric type,
> it could end up taking a <T: add, mult, sub, div> type parameter.
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