On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 3:19 PM, Madhu Srinivasan
<smadhuea...@outlook.com> wrote:
> hi fellow rusters,
> I understand that rustpkg is under heavy development and not complete.
> Having said that, I'd like to know if the following error (w.r.t. rustpkg
> finding external crates and linking correctly with them) is within it's
> normal operating parameters :).
> The rust code in question: https://github.com/smadhueagle/rustlings
> (It is a series of example rust programs)
> The external crate that it refers to: https://github.com/smadhueagle/rustils
> Following the steps in Readme.md on the rustlings repo and building the
> simplespawn crate results in the following error:
> kl-13572:rustlings smadhueagle$ rustpkg build simplespawn
> WARNING: The Rust package manager is experimental and may be unstable
> task <unnamed> failed at 'Unhandled condition: nonexistent_package:
> (package_id::PkgId{path: std::path::PosixPath{is_absolute: false,
> components: ~[~"rustils"]}, short_name: ~"rustils", version: NoVersion},
> ~"supplied path for package dir does not exist, and couldn't interpret it as
> a URL fragment")', /private/tmp/rust-nVcw/src/libstd/condition.rs:43
> task <unnamed> failed at 'killed by linked failure',
> /private/tmp/rust-nVcw/src/libstd/rt/kill.rs:627

Sorry for overlooking this email until now. The issue here is that you
need to either write:

extern mod rustils = "github.com/smadhueagle/rustils";

instead of `extern mod rustils;`, in the code that uses it (and in
this case you don't need the `rustpkg install` step), or set your


where $TOP is the directory that contains the `rustlings` directory.

I tested the latter option with rustpkg as built  from 7ddcd2, and it worked.

Feel free to ask again here if you have more questions (and I'll try
to answer them sooner :-)


Tim Chevalier * http://catamorphism.org/ * Often in error, never in doubt
"Being queer is not about a right to privacy; it is about the freedom
to be public, to just be who we are." -- anonymous, June 1990
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