[replying on-list, with Jordi's permission]

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 2:37 AM, Jordi Boggiano <j.boggi...@seld.be> wrote:
> Heya,
> Someone mentioned you are the one doing most things on rustpkg these
> days, so here comes my feedback after reading
> https://github.com/mozilla/rust/blob/master/doc/rustpkg.md - I hope it's
> a bit valuable :)
> - I'm not sure if standardizing on main.rs/lib.rs files is the best
> idea? It seems like the language itself now loads foo/mod.rs for `mod
> foo;`, and #[link] can tell you if the file is to be built as a binary
> or lib as far as I understand. So maybe it'd be best to just have mod.rs
> for packages too? On the other hand having two files might allow you to
> have a package that can both contain a library and a binary. That'd be
> kinda neat for some things.

We're trying to move away from requiring attributes inside files, like
#[link], and trying to make rustpkg infer as much as possible about
the build process from directory structure. You'll still be able to
use #[link] to override rustpkg's inference, but the goal is that you
should never have to write it.

(Although, if we did use mod.rs instead of main/lib/test/bench, it
would still be possible to have both a library and binary in one
package -- you would just have to put them in different

> - "When building a package that is not under version control, or that
> has no tags, rustpkg assumes the intended version is 0.1." - this sounds
> pretty bad to me. I think it should in that case read the vers field in
> #[link] or something.

Yeah, that was kind of a placeholder. It's not documented yet, because
it's not implemented yet, but you should be able to specify a version
inside the file if you want to -- see
https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/8239 (the bug is about the name
attribute, but the same goes for "vers").

> - "When building a package that is in a git repository, rustpkg assumes
> that the most recent tag specifies the current version." - I can see
> that one backfiring on large projects where you maintain two branches at
> the same time. Say you make a 2.0.2 release but then you create a
> security update for the old branch and tag 1.5.4. If rustpkg suddenly
> thinks 1.5.4 is the most current version we'll have issues. It really
> should work based on semver IMO. It's a great way to do sane versioning
> and starting a new ecosystem without semver would be extremely sad.

That's a reasonable point. rustpkg has just the beginning of semver
support right now, but the plan has always been to support semver.
Again, it's not documented because it's still to-do :-)

> In any case, I may not be able to help much with development because I'm
> already quite busy with other things, but I've been leading the
> development of Composer [1] - a PHP dependency manager - for the last
> two years. It is - much like rustpkg - fully VCS-based when it comes to
> finding package releases, so I hope I can at least help on a higher
> level. If you want to discuss anything feel free to ask, I'm also on IRC
> as Seldaek.

I'll take a look at Composer. Thanks for the feedback!


Tim Chevalier * http://catamorphism.org/ * Often in error, never in doubt
"Being queer is not about a right to privacy; it is about the freedom
to be public, to just be who we are." -- anonymous, June 1990
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