Hi Samuel, 

Thank you for your reply! I tried your suggestion and I was still running 
into the same problem. However, I tried installing some other packages on 
top of what you suggested, which seemed to do the trick. These packages 
are  idle39 <https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/idle39.html>, 
python39-devel <https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/python39-devel.html>, 
python39-test <https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/python39-test.html>, and 
python39-tkinter <https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/python39-tkinter.html>. 
I'm not really sure why this worked, but nonetheless SageMath is now up and 
running! I'm now going to figure out how to run it on Jupyter Notebooks. I 
used SathMath 9.5.rc1 by the way.


On Friday, January 14, 2022 at 1:40:13 PM UTC-8 Samuel Lelievre wrote:

> Hello, congratulations for attempting to build Sage
> from source on Cygwin and thanks for reporting on
> the build failure.
> Which version of Sage were you trying to build?
> Did you try SageMath 9.4 or SageMath 9.5.rc1?
> Fixing the Python 3.9 build failure you described is tracked at:
>   Sage Trac ticket #33079
>   Fix python3 build failure on Cygwin
>   https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/33079
> In general, Sage's build mechanism tries to use the ambient
> system Python, if available, to avoid building its own Python.
> However, the Python 3.9 in Cygwin, currently provided by the
> Cygwin package "python39-3.9.9-1", does not work for that
> purpose. That issue is discussed at:
>   Sage Trac ticket #33078
>   Update package info for system python3 on Cygwin
>   https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/33078
> There is a newer version which can serve to build Sage upon;
> that newer version is currently marked as a test version, so that
> it does not get installed by default when you upgrade your Cygwin
> packages. You can however choose to upgrade to it, as follows.
> - Close all Cygwin windows.
> - Open Cygwin's "setup.exe" installer, search for "python39",
>   and select the version "python39-3.9.9-3 (TEST)".
> Please try again building SageMath 9.5.rc1 after changing that.
> Let us know if that works. Currently it does not work for me,
> but I hope it works for you, and if not I hope we gather enough
> data on the failure to figure out how to solve it.   --Samuel

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