Hi all,

I've recently been working on OpenDreamKit Task 6.9
<https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/131>, Memoisation and
production of new data, in time for Deliverable 6.9
<https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/143> at the end of
February.  I've now produced a reasonable working Python package
called *pypersist
<https://github.com/mtorpey/pypersist>*, and I'm reaching out to hear any
opinions people might have on my work so far.

The idea is to persistently store the output of a Python function to disk,
or to an online database, so that future calls to that function can use a
cached value instead of repeating work unnecessarily.  This is possible in
pypersist using a simple function decorator.

*pypersist* can be found on Github:

or downloaded via PyPI using:
pip3 install --user pypersist

A Jupyter Notebook demonstrating its features is hosted at:

If anyone is interested in trying the software out, please give it a go!
I'd love to hear any feedback anyone has, either via email or via issues on
Github.  Note that this is currently only compatible with Python 3 (and I'd
welcome feedback on that too).

I'll also be attending the upcoming conference in Marseille, at which I'd
be delighted to talk to anyone interested in person.

Thanks for reading!

All the best,
Michael Torpey
(St Andrews)

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