Dear sage-devel,

Having built Sage successfully from source with the command
`make configure && make`, if I then immediately run `make`
a second time in the same shell session, shouldn't that second
run have nothing to build, and thus terminate almost instantly?

Here is an example of building Sage successfully:

$ source .homebrew-build-env  # recommended on macOS
$ make -s V=0 configure
$ make -s V=0


[sage_conf-9.7.beta8] installing. Log file:
  [sage_conf-9.7.beta8] successfully installed.
[sagelib-9.7.beta8] installing. Log file:
  [sagelib-9.7.beta8] successfully installed.
[sagemath_doc_html-none] installing. Log file:
  [sagemath_doc_html-none] successfully installed.

real    31m44.059s
user    23m35.949s
sys 4m3.652s
Sage build/upgrade complete!

Immediately after that, in the same session,
without having modified any file:

$ make -s V=0


[sagelib-9.7.beta8] installing. Log file:
  [sagelib-9.7.beta8] successfully installed.
[sagemath_doc_html-none] installing. Log file:
  [sagemath_doc_html-none] successfully installed.

real    31m28.059s
user    22m3.713s
sys 4m12.429s
Sage build/upgrade complete!

I would have hoped for this to complete in a few seconds
and I find it surprising that it takes half an hour.

Has that been reported and discussed already, either on
Sage Trac or on mailing lists?

Doesn't that create problems for our Docker images?

Apologies if I have already asked and forgotten, in which case
please refresh my memory.   --Samuel

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