
due to work and I being lazy the last week I didn't work on
SAGEControl until yesterday. A first 0.0.1 snapshot can be seen at


The snapshot should give you an idea how the code will work. You
cannot start the notebook at the moment, but thatfeature is trivial to
implement. The code is also a little buggy when selecting the SAGE
executable. There is a hg repo at http://apcocoa.org/~mabshoff/hg/SAGEControl/
if you would like to check out the code.

The code is build with Qt 4.3, due to some QFileinfo methods used one
cannot compile againsts earlier version of Qt. Qt 4.3 was release a
couple days ago, so you probably need to compile it yourself. The code
is only one widget at the moment that is a 99.5% percent copy of a
widget I use for the new ApCoCoA GUI. SAGEControl doesn't work
properly at the monent due to some bug that prohibits the SAGE prompt
from showing up. Since the widget works fine with CoCoA there must be
another bug hidden in my code, so stay tuned.

If you would like to build just consult the README. I can build some
static 32 bit linux binary build if somebody cares. Because I am
rewriting the ApCoCoA GUI with Qt's new MDI class for CoCoA VI and
MEGA in 10 days I will have little time to work on the code for the
next 3 weeks or so. But I do expect to push changes made to the
ApCoAoA codebase into the SAGEControl code. If somebody would like to
send me patches feel free to do so. The code is licensed under the GPL
V2 only at the moment, once the GPL V3 is out I might reconsider.

What will come up in the future:

- a setup wizard
- config and profiles, i.e. have several different sage releases
selectable from a drop down menu
- start the notebook
- start the notebook only, log on remote server
- translation of the interface with on the fly language changes
- proper packaging, i.e. create a dmg on Mac or an MSI installer on



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