Re: [sage-devel] Re: VOTE: move Sage development to Github

2022-09-29 Thread Samuel Lelievre

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[sage-devel] Fwd: request for help: macOS PARI binaries

2022-09-08 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Echoing a message posted to the pari-users mailing list.

-- Forwarded message (slightly edited) -
From: Bill Allombert
Date: 2022-09-08 07:15 UTC
Subject: request for help: MacOS PARI binaries
To: pari-users

Dear PARI users,

We do not have the support needed to build
macOS binary for the ARM based Mac. We both
lack the hardware and the software expertise
to set up a new build system for newer Mac.

What we would need is access to a Mac mini
with Xcode and Homebrew installed, and help
with updating our build scripts for M1.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: 9.7.beta8 build error jupyter_jsmol

2022-08-24 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Now tracked at

- Sage Trac ticket #34421
  Fix timeout in jupyter_jsmol installation

(thanks Dima for opening the ticket).

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[sage-devel] Re: Useful methods for graphics objects

2022-08-22 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Travis's answer works for line3d objects consisting of a single segment.

Here is a more general version for any line3d object.

If you haven't already, install more-itertools:

sage: %pip install more-itertools

Then define this length function:

def line3d_euclidean_length(L):
Return the euclidean length of this piecewise linear path.


- ``L`` a piecewise linear path, as a ``line3d`` graphics object.
from more_itertools import pairwise
V = RDF^3
return sum((V(q) - V(p)).norm() for p, q in pairwise(L.points))

Use it as follows:
sage: A = line3d([(1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1)])
sage: line3d_euclidean_length(A)
sage: 1.0

sage: B = line3d([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)])
sage: line3d_euclidean_length(B)

As Travis suggests, one might also be interested in the combinatorial 

def line3d_combinatorial_length(L):
Return the combinatorial length of this piecewise linear path.

That is, the number of segments it consists of.


- ``L`` a piecewise linear path, as a ``line3d`` graphics object.
return Integer(len(L.points) - 1)


sage: line3d_combinatorial_length(A)
sage: line3d_combinatorial_length(B)

Following Travis's suggestion, one could add an option
to combine successive segments if they are collinear.

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[sage-devel] Re: sage error 9.6 I got this errors and I don't know how to fix them

2022-07-27 Thread Samuel Lelievre
See also this guide to install SageMath in Ubuntu:

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[sage-devel] Re: sage error 9.6 I got this errors and I don't know how to fix them

2022-07-27 Thread Samuel Lelievre
It seems you are trying to build from source.

Suggestion: run the following
make configure
and carefully read and apply the suggestions
at the end of the output of ./configure.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: System upgrades breaking sage frequently

2022-07-26 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2022-07-26 07:13:30 UTC, Dima Pasechnik:

this says that conda is behind Sage in regard of versions of eclib 
and primesieve/count 

- eclib upgrade in Conda now done:
- primesieve and primecount seem up to date

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Error building Sage 9.6 due to openssl

2022-07-24 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Install the relevant cygwin packages:
$ apt-cyg install bzip2 libbz2-devel liblzma-devel libffi-devel xz
Clean up the corresponding Sage packages:
$ make bzip2-clean liblzma-clean libffi-clean xz-clean

Then configure again:
$ make configure
$ ./configure

Follow any recommendations at end of configure output.

Finally decide number of parallel jobs
$ export MAKE='make -j8'
and run make again:
$ make -s V=0

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[sage-devel] Re: Error building Sage 9.6 due to openssl

2022-07-23 Thread Samuel Lelievre
You could try this:
make openssl-clean openssl-uninstall
make configure

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[sage-devel] Re: latex function and operations with fraction subscripts

2022-07-07 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Note: also asked on Ask Sage:

- Ask Sage question 63145
  How do you define a symbol with a quotient in the subscript?

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Re: [sage-devel] Introduction to differentiable manifolds in SageMath

2022-07-06 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2022-07-02 21:49:53 UTC, William Stein:
> Proxying of URL's from github, etc., is now live
> in cocalc share server. See the comment here
> about how it works:
> For example
> is now actually proxying exactly what is on github directly.
> Also, you can easily click "Edit" and in about 25 seconds
> you're running a notebook with Sage!

Wonderful. I guess it can work for GAP too if one
installs the GAP Jupyter kernel.

Installing the GAP Jupyter kernel CoCalc-wide
is tracked at:

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Re: [sage-devel] parametric plot

2022-07-06 Thread Samuel Lelievre
In case the hope in extending the range of t further and further
was to capture the missing portion of the curve, it turns out
the problem is at the other end, near zero.

The curve is missing its initial segment, because

- parametric_plot(C, (t, a, b)) uses equispaced evaluation points
  along the interval [a, b], skipping points where evaluation fails
- C cannot be evaluated at zero
- C travels quite some distance when t runs through (0, 0.01)

To better view the curve, plot an initial arc separately,
say for t in the interval (10^-9, 10^-2); then the rest of
the curve, say up to t = 7.
pa = parametric_plot(C, (t, 1e-9, 1e-2), color='steelblue')
pb = parametric_plot(C, (t, 1e-2, 7), color='steelblue')
p = pa + pb

There is not much point plotting further than t = 7.
Check how short the arc for t running along [7, 88] is:
pc = parametric_plot(C, (t, 7, 88), color='firebrick'), xmax=-0.999, ymin=0.495, ymax=0.505, aspect_ratio=1/10)

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[sage-devel] Re: parametric plot

2022-07-04 Thread Samuel Lelievre
The expressions for the coordinates involve exp(8*t) and t^24.

sage: exp(8*88.)

sage: 88.^24

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[sage-devel] Re: puzzling deprecation warning

2022-06-24 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Seems to have been addressed already for Sage 9.7.

Indeed, this query

returns in particular this result:

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Re: [sage-devel] --patchbot

2022-05-30 Thread Samuel Lelievre
phiho wrote:
> Is this link correct: ?

Clicking on "Info" at the top gives the history
of the page, even for a deleted page.

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[sage-devel] Re: Jupyterlab installation very slow in Sage 9.6

2022-05-24 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Side note: if using `sage -i`, prepending `V=0` will
suppress most of the build's verbosity. Example:
$ V=0 sage -i jupyterlab_widgets

I cannot answer the following two questions:

- why does installing JupyterLab after building Sage
  trigger recompilation of all Cython files in src/sage?

- how can that be fixed?

but there might be a workaround consisting in
configuring the build so that JupyterLab is built
along with the rest, rather than afterwards.

After getting a new development release of Sage
(with `git pull origin develop --tags` or by getting
and unpacking the source tarball), do this:

$ export MAKE='make -j8'
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --enable-jupyterlab_widgets
$ make -s V=0

instead of something like

$  export MAKE='make -j8'
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make -s V=0
$ ./sage -i jupyterlab_widgets

Maybe fixing the unwanted recompilation of all
cython files deserves a ticket?

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Re: [sage-devel] Virtual SageDays June 1–3: Call for contributed presentations and activities

2022-05-22 Thread Samuel Lelievre
A tribute to Fibonacci?

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[sage-devel] Re: can no longer push to trac from ubuntu 22.04

2022-05-09 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2022-05-08 21:59:35 UTC, Tobias:
> Given the recent issues with the git repo at trac,
> should we allow pushes to the github mirror
> and sync them back to trac using e.g.
> Would also simplify the contribution guide, since it's
> easier to push to github than setting up trac using
> ssh etc. (Also the github server is quicker than the
> trac server)

Hi Tobias,

That would be wonderful. It was once the case
thanks to the "sageb0t" mechanism, see some
discussions on sage-devel:

Sadly, that mechanism broke at some point,
and it seems nobody has any backup of the script
that was in charge of the sync. I remember reading
that it was just a few hundred lines of code and
it should be easy to write from scratch again, but
nobody with the relevant skills has done that yet.

Note that one can send a merge request against the
SageMath repository mirrored at
The mechanism to sync that repo with Trac is still
active and maintained (and hopefully backed up
and documented some place?), so until someone
with the right skills finds the time and energy
to set the GitHub link again, you may want to try
the GitLab route.

All the best!  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: Building sage fails with the latest xcode command line tools update

2022-04-30 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Possibly related report:


Hopefully someone will find time to submit pull requests
to "homebrew-core" with recipes for common dependencies
of Sage and Macaulay2 so they no longer need to be a tap
in the Macaulay2 organisation.

Somewhat related: Singular upgrade in Homebrew needs help:


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[sage-devel] Re: Reviving the Annual SageMath Development Prize

2022-04-14 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Excellent idea. I volunteer to be on the committee.  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: Cannot compile sage on macosx 12.3

2022-03-23 Thread Samuel Lelievre
You can download the pythran 0.11.0 source tarball from

(as found in `build/pkgs/pythran/checksums.ini`)

and place it in the `upstream` folder of your Sage installation.

Alternatively, you can use
./configure --enable-download-from-upstream-url

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[sage-devel] Re: arctanh vs. artanh

2022-03-23 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Note that Sage also provides aliases with `a-`
(the display is still with `arc-`):
sage: asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth, asech, acsch
(arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh, arccoth, arcsech, arccsch)

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Re: [sage-devel] Proposal: make Jupyterlab a standard package

2022-03-22 Thread Samuel Lelievre
+1 for enabling JuptyerLab by default.

There is already a ticket to make it a standard spkg:

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[sage-devel] Re: entering sage

2022-03-17 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Reinstall Sage following the instructions at

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[sage-devel] Re: documentation build complains about database Cremona (9.6.beta3)

2022-03-01 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Tracked at

- Sage Trac ticket 33421
  Add elliptic_curves dependency to sagemath_doc_html

Please review the branch there.

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Re: [sage-devel] How to start sage with jupyter notebook listening on port 1234

2022-02-23 Thread Samuel Lelievre
If you do not care about choosing the port number, when you run

./sage -n jupyter

and port  is already used, a new Jupyter starts on port 8889,
and so on.

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[sage-devel] Can we restore `mean`?

2022-02-12 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Dear sage-devel,

Taking averages is a common operation, and a `mean` function
such that `mean(xx)` returns `sum(xx) / len(xx)` regardless of
the type of objects in the iterable `xx` is extremely convenient.

For instance, for a polygon whose vertices `uu` have coordinates
in a number field and are represented as vectors over that field,
`mean(uu)` finds the centre of that polygon. To center the polygon
at the origin, use `c = mean(uu)` and `vv = [u - c for u in uu]`.

In Sage 9.5, using `mean` displays a warning:
DeprecationWarning: sage.stats.basic_stats.mean is deprecated;
use numpy.mean or numpy.nanmean instead
This is after #29662 was merged in SageMath 9.5.beta1.

Alas, `numpy.mean` cannot find the mean of a list of vectors
over a number field.

Of course, as a workaround, I can define

def mean(xx):
Return the mean of this iterable.
return sum(xx) / len(xx)

and place that in an `init.sage` file in my `~/.sage` folder.

Having that built into Sage is so much more convenient though.
Can we have it back?

Kind polygonal regards,  --Samuel

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Re: [sage-devel] Symbolic sum giving incorrect answers

2022-02-11 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Possibly related

- Sage Trac ticket 31418
  Incorrect (Maxima) symbolic sum

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[sage-devel] Re: patchbot owners, please update to 3.0.3

2022-01-30 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Restarting my "pascaline patchbot" depends on


As a workaround, I can imagine creating fake lrslib
and mathematica executables, placed in my PATH,
that can quickly fail Sage's feature detection for lrslib
and mathematica, so that my patchbot can skip all
doctests marked "# optional - lrslib / mathematica"
and resume its role of testing tickets.

Any ideas on a way to do that?

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[sage-devel] Re: Bug with a very specific integral computed with giac

2022-01-30 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2022-01-30 05:10:25 UTC, Emmanuel Charpentier:
> After upgrading to 9.5.rc5 and disabling system’s pari and singular

Did  you mean "after upgrading to 9.5.rc4"? So far,
 Sage 9.5.rc5 does not seem to have been released:

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Re: [sage-devel] Failure to build Sage 9.4 on Monterey

2022-01-29 Thread Samuel Lelievre

Installing Sage 9.4 on macOS 12 on a Mac with an Apple M1
processor might work using sagemath-forge.

To try it:
INSTALL_LOCATION=$HOME  # or your choice of location
FILE="sagemath-forge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
curl -L -O $SITE/$DIRS/$FILE
bash $FILE

The script then asks a few questions; answering "yes"
each time might work well.

Once sagemath-forge is installed, the underlying Conda can
be activated or deactivated; activating it changes the PATH to
include `/path/to/sagemath-forge/bin` where the executables
installed by Conda are located.

So, to use the version of Sage installed via Conda:
$ conda activate

$ which sage

$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.4, Release Date: 2021-08-22
│ Using Python 3.8.12. Type "help()" for help.
sage: %colors Linux
sage: 2 * 3 * 337
sage: quit
Exiting Sage (CPU time 0m0.12s, Wall time 0m16.08s).

$ conda deactivate

To start Jupyter notebook or JupyterLab:
$ conda activate
$ jupyter notebook
$ jupyter lab
$ conda deactivate

To make Conda always active, add the line
conda activate
to a file that gets sourced every time you start a shell
(e.g. in `$HOME/.bash_profile` if you use bash, or in the
zsh corresponding file if you use zsh as your shell).

Hope that works for you.   --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: patchbot owners, please update to 3.0.3

2022-01-24 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2022-01-24 12:54:04 UTC, Frédéric Chapoton:

> you can use the base argument in the https adress
> But sometimes I clean old reports, keeping only very recent ones

Thanks for the tip. Cleaning up once in a while makes sense
and I was not dreaming of everlasting links, merely hoping
for access to reports for a few weeks to a couple of months.
Seems that is the case. Thank you for the maintenance!  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: patchbot owners, please update to 3.0.3

2022-01-22 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Hi Frédéric,

Thanks for the link! Hope the branch at that ticket gets
merged in the next development release. Tried building
Sage 9.5.rc3 but hit the sagemath_doc_html build failure
reported at ticket #33139.

Are the reports at
only visible until the next development release comes out?
Or is there a way to refer to them that persists a bit longer?

Thanks for maintaining sage-patchbot!   --Samuel

2022-01-21 20:55:36 UTC, Frédéric Chapoton:
> lrslib doctests in game_theory/ are fixed in #33101 (positive 
> Le vendredi 21 janvier 2022 à 13:40:17 UTC+1, Samuel Lelievre a écrit :
> >
> > Hi Frédéric,
> >
> > I have upgraded to sage-patchbot 3.0.4 on "pascaline".
> >
> > On Sage 9.5.rc2, "ticket 0" failed with
> > --
> > SEED=94195001484901963602666886307845237936
> > alias sagetest=".sage -t --long --random-seed=$SEED"
> > sagetest src/sage/features/ # Timed out
> > sagetest src/sage/game_theory/ # 2 doctests failed
> > --
> >
> > I'll try again with Sage 9.5.rc3 and in case all tests pass
> > a patchbot on pascaline can be launched again. --Samuel

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Re: [sage-devel] asking for setting up cythonizing compiling

2022-01-22 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2022-01-21 à 22:33:08 UTC, Randall on sage-devel:

> I am carefully following the steps at
> but 2 things already have come up.
> The latest download version on the tar ball page
> is version 9.4 sage.

For development releases see the "download latest" page:

> The latest git clone version is 9.5 rc3, but the instructions
> on the page using the git clone will create a ~/sage folder
> not a ~/sage/sage-9.5/ folder as the instructions suggest
> previous in step #2
> I had to download the tarball, do the tar xvf command and
> put the 9.4 folder underneath the ~/sage folder as the
> instructions state.
> I then moved the ~/sage folder and 9.4 subfolder to
> ~/newsage to temporary set it there before doing the
> git clone command in step #2
> I then moved ~/sage cloned folder to sage-9.5 folder
> and then moved ~/newsage to ~/sage and then moved
> ~/sage-9.5 into this root folder.
> This gives me two subfolders ~/sage/sage-9.4/ and
> ~/sage/sage-9.5/ which is what I expect.
> Next I had to run the "make configure" command as stated
> in step #3 and the following log file was obtained.
> I did one more command to check out the code
> ~/sage/sage-9.5> git checkout develop 
> Already on 'develop' 
> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'. 
> I am happy with this now, and we can see that configure
> file is now present in the directory
> I will start with the 9.4 version and build it first, then change
> to the 9.5 version (carefully redirecting the SAGE_ROOT
> and SAGE_LOCAL variables accordingly)

To check what branch you are on and what commit it is at:
$ git branch -vv
If you are on branch develop and want to get the latest develop
$ git pull origin develop --tags

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[sage-devel] Re: patchbot owners, please update to 3.0.3

2022-01-21 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Hi Frédéric,

I have upgraded to sage-patchbot 3.0.4 on "pascaline".

On Sage 9.5.rc2, "ticket 0" failed with
alias sagetest=".sage -t --long --random-seed=$SEED"
sagetest src/sage/features/  # Timed out
sagetest src/sage/game_theory/  # 2 doctests failed

I'll try again with Sage 9.5.rc3 and in case all tests pass
a patchbot on pascaline can be launched again.  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: 32768

2022-01-18 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2022-01-18 10:54:34 UTC, John Cremona:
> I see that there are now over 2^32 trac tickets.

The power of two that is near 32000 is really 2^15.
: )

> Wow. When I started computing you couldn't
> have integers greater than 32767...

Good thing we can now.

Here's to many more Sage tickets to come!   --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: Problems building Sage

2022-01-14 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Hello, congratulations for attempting to build Sage
from source on Cygwin and thanks for reporting on
the build failure.

Which version of Sage were you trying to build?
Did you try SageMath 9.4 or SageMath 9.5.rc1?

Fixing the Python 3.9 build failure you described is tracked at:

  Sage Trac ticket #33079
  Fix python3 build failure on Cygwin

In general, Sage's build mechanism tries to use the ambient
system Python, if available, to avoid building its own Python.
However, the Python 3.9 in Cygwin, currently provided by the
Cygwin package "python39-3.9.9-1", does not work for that
purpose. That issue is discussed at:

  Sage Trac ticket #33078
  Update package info for system python3 on Cygwin

There is a newer version which can serve to build Sage upon;
that newer version is currently marked as a test version, so that
it does not get installed by default when you upgrade your Cygwin
packages. You can however choose to upgrade to it, as follows.

- Close all Cygwin windows.
- Open Cygwin's "setup.exe" installer, search for "python39",
  and select the version "python39-3.9.9-3 (TEST)".

Please try again building SageMath 9.5.rc1 after changing that.
Let us know if that works. Currently it does not work for me,
but I hope it works for you, and if not I hope we gather enough
data on the failure to figure out how to solve it.   --Samuel

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Re: [sage-devel] Adding LRS Library On SageMath

2022-01-10 Thread Samuel Lelievre
One way to keep a good record of this failed build would be
$ THE_REPORT=sage-9-5-b9-fail-openblas
$ REPORTS=$HOME/sage-reports

$ mkdir -p $REPORT

$ brew config > $REPORT/brew-config.txt
$ brew list --versions > $REPORT/brew-list-versions.txt

$ xcode-select -p > $REPORT/xcode-select-p.txt
$ xcode-select --version > $REPORT/xcode-select-version.txt
$ xcodebuild -version > $REPORT/xcodebuild-version

$ sysctl -n hw.ncpu > $REPORT/ncpu.txt
$ pkgutil --pkg-info=$CLTOOLS > $REPORT/cltools.txt

$ cd /Applications/SageMath
$ rsync -a config.log $REPORT
$ rsync -a logs/install.log $REPORT
$ rsync -a logs/pkgs/scipy*.log $REPORT
$ rsync -a logs/pkgs/openblas*.log $REPORT

$ (cd $REPORTS $$ tar cJf $THE_REPORT.tar.xz $THE_REPORT)

This will produce a compressed archive called
which if you want you can upload somewhere (like dropbox,
wetransfer, etc) and email a link to for someone to have
a look; or you could even send it as an attachment,
as it should have a very moderate size.

After doing that, I would suggest to try the following.

Get a few more packages from Homebrew
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade
$ brew install \
  arb autoconf automake bdw-gc boost bzip2 cbc cmake curl ecl \
  flint fplll freetype gcc gd gengetopt gettext git glpk gmp \
  gpatch graphviz gsl igraph isl libatomic_ops libffi libiconv \
  libmpc libpng libtool libxml2 llvm mpfi mpfr nauty ncurses \
  ninja ntl openblas openssl pari pari-elldata pari-galdata \
  pari-galpol pari-seadata pcre pdf2svg pkg-config ppl python3 \
  qhull r readline singular sqlite suite-sparse texinfo tox xz \
  zeromq zlib

Get the latest development version of Sage
$ cd /Applications/SageMath
$ git checkout develop
$ git pull origin develop --tags -q

Check branch (should say SageMath 9.5.rc0)
$ git branch -vv

Clean up the last build attempt and start from scratch
$ export MAKE='make -j8'
$ export V=0
$ make -s distclean
$ source .homebrew-build-env
$ ./bootstrap -q
$ ./configure --enable-lrslib
$ make -s

If this fails, you could produce a report as above,
but naming the report differently, for instance
$ THE_REPORT=sage-9-5-rc0-2022-01-10
and adapting which log files you include (usually
it's good to include config.log and logs/install.log,
and select from logs/pkgs/*.log those that failed).

Of course feel free to adapt what information you
want to include in your report.  --Samuel

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Re: [sage-devel] Adding LRS Library On SageMath

2022-01-02 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-12-29 04:12 UTC, Advay Goel on sage-devel:
> Hi All,
> I use macOS Big Sur Version 11.1, and need to use
> the LRS Library for a project:
> def getVolume(self,eng='lrs'):
> """ needs Sage 5.9 for 'lrs' engine """
> return self.poly.volume(engine=eng)*factorial(self.poly.dim())
> Currently, whenever I run this function, I get 0, and I believe
> it is because LRS Library is not properly installed on my system
> (I checked using this code: link and it said LRS is not present).
> However, this doesn't make much sense to me as there is an LRS
> folder in my sage folder. Its location is
> /Applications/SageMath/build/pkgs/lrslib
> Regardless, I downloaded LRS again and am trying to build Sage from 

Inside the Sage source folder, build/pkgs contains a folder
for each "Sage package" (or "spkg"), whether standard, optional
or experimental, that Sage can install. For example, in your case,
the folder


has the information about the `lrslib` spkg. That includes:

- `type`, which in this case contains the word "optional"
- `package-version.txt`, which has the version that Sage
  will try to install if it does not find a good enough
  system package to use
- `spkg-configure.m4`, which is in charge of detecting whether
  there is an appropriate system lrslib that Sage can use,
  instead of building lrslib specially for Sage; that file
  was added in Sage Trac ticket #27804, merged in Sage 9.3.rc3:

When you build Sage on macOS, it helps to first install
Homebrew, and to install many packages using Homebrew.

The Homebrew installation instructions are at

(installing Homebrew is one line to cut and paste from that
website into a terminal).

Then, in a terminal, from your Sage folder, get the latest
development version of Sage:

$ git checkout develop
$ git pull origin develop --tags -q
$ git branch -vv

Then make Sage aware of Homebrew and configure for the build:

$ source .homebrew-build-env
$ make configure
$ ./configure --enable-lrslib

The output of that last command will contain suggestions
of packages to install via Homebrew for Sage to use rather
than having to build them; and it will indicate a command
to be run after installing extra Homebrew packages, to take
them into account when building Sage. Once you have followed
these suggestions, run

$ MAKE='make -j8'  # to run 8 jobs in parallel
$ make -s V=0

Then you should have a fully functional Sage with lrslib.

Don't hesitate if you have more questions.   --Samuel

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Re: [sage-devel] down ?

2021-12-28 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Ask Sage is up again.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: commits

2021-12-23 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Hi Sage devs,

William wrote:

> - The pace of development has been much higher
>   after 2015 than before, and it's stayed quite steady
>   from 2015 until now. Very impressive.

Nice! That's something that GitHub shows well.

> - In terms of "number of commits", somebody
>   who isn't me is about to take the lead!

Two somebodies in fact. See below.

> - There are 15 people with over 1000 commits, 
>   which is a healthy range of distinct "top contributors"
>   for an open source project.

18 in fact. See below.

While GitHub is very good at showing the number of commits
over time, the contributor statistics it displays depend on it
being able to match each commit author email to that of a
GitHub user. SageMath contributors are not all on GitHub,
and when they are, they don't always tell GitHub all email
addresses they have used for Sage commits.

So I decided to try and refine the "list of contributors sorted
by number of commits", for the sake of that game (with all
its inherent limitations).

Starting with `git shortlog -sn --no-merges` and totalling
commits for various author names used by contributors,
my best effort gives this list of 32 contributors sorted
by number of commits up to Sage 9.5.beta9:

 5371 William Stein
 4954 Frédéric Chapoton
 4395 Matthias Koeppe
 3215 Jeroen Demeyer
 2977 Travis Scrimshaw
 2209 Daniel Krenn
 1736 Volker Braun
 1555 Julian Rüth
 1483 Nathann Cohen
 1408 Vincent Delecroix
 1325 Michael Abshoff
 1300 Ralf Stephan
 1211 David Coudert
 1186 John H. Palmieri
 1173 Dima Pasechnik
 1137 Erik Madison Bray
 1094 Jonathan Kliem
 1075 Martin R. Albrecht
  933 Clemens Heuberger
  871 Robert Bradshaw
  828 Jori Mäntysalo
  795 Nicolas M. Thiéry
  753 Mike Hansen
  722 Darij Grinberg
  716 David Roe
  609 Robert L. Miller
  603 Simon King
  595 Martin Rubey
  562 Marc Mezzarobba
  554 Peter Bruin
  531 John Cremona
  520 Xavier Caruso

and the next 32 might be

  518 Jean-Pierre Flori
  512 Benjamin Hackl
  478 Yi Qiang
  461 Eric Gourgoulhon
  444 Kwankyu Lee
  426 Michael Orlitzky
  425 François Bissey
  398 Sébastien Labbé
  398 Christian Stump
  383 Michael Jung
  383 James Campbell
  375 Vince Knight
  373 David Lucas
  370 Burcin Erocal
  369 Jason Grout
  361 Simon Brandhorst
  358 R. Andrew Ohana
  344 Johan Sebastian Rosenkilde Nielsen
  343 Minh Van Nguyen
  329 Craig Citro
  318 Thierry Monteil
  304 Miguel Angel Marco Buzunariz
  300 Benjamin Hutz
  299 Karl-Dieter Crisman
  296 Jean-Philippe Labbé
  275 Carl Witty
  266 Andrey Novoseltsev
  240 Anne Schilling
  235 Antonio Rojas
  231 Markus Wageringel
  226 Paul Masson
  223 Mike Zabrocki

but that's up to errors in detecting multiple author forms.

This is not so easy, in particular since

- some contributors appear under as many as 5 different
  author forms (I think the record is 6) in the commit list!
- part our Git history is reconstructed from Mercurial
- commit author names can be as varied as "Nomail Name"
  (166 commits), "Release Manager" (125), "=" (26), ...

so it would take much more work to get definitive numbers
and some of the counts used to get the lists above may be
underestimated by several dozens.

Happy SageMath development to all, be it committing,
reviewing, writing up release notes, preparing tutorials,
teaching courses, organising Sage days, helping users,
discussing the big picture, working on interoperability
with other software, reporting bugs, translating material,
refactoring, improving the website, etc!--Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: issues - do we need it?

2021-12-10 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-12-10, Matthias Koeppe:

> I have received a report that account management is 
> broken:
> > das "recover account" jedoch funktioniert jedoch nicht.
> > wenn man auf den button klickt passiert lange nichts,

> und irgendwann "504 Gateway Time-out".
> I don't normally use myself, but to reproduce
the reported error, I've tried logging in using Google and also
eventually got a 504.
> Overall, I am not sure why the project is running this server.
I think we are spreading ourselves pretty thin here. There is also:
> -
> -
> -
> -
> Is any of the information at
still current?

Yes, it is current. One can also email

  sage-askbot-admin AT

to report problems.

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[sage-devel] Re: pari-jupyter is back

2021-12-09 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Thank you!   --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: making primecount (and its dependency primesieve) standard

2021-11-24 Thread Samuel Lelievre

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: sage docs search is broken

2021-11-11 Thread Samuel Lelievre
This is tracked at

- Sage Trac ticket 29576
  Missing js objects on doc search page

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[sage-devel] Re: Mirrors and binaries for MacOS and Windows

2021-10-29 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-10-29 19:42:29 UTC, Thierry:
> Hi,
> i have to tell various people how to install Sage on their OS
> and i am a bit confused about MacOS and Windows installers.
> Regarding MacOS, the installation guide [1] speaks about
> alternative binaries than the ones that are available on the
> mirrors, explaining that those "have been signed and notarized,
> eliminating various errors caused by Apple’s gatekeeper
> antimalware protections".
> My first question is: if such binaries are better, why don't we
> distribute similar binaries on the mirrors? Which binaries
> should be recommended?

The macOS section at [1] is slightly outdated, since our official
download page for macOS (visit [3] then select a mirror then
click 'intel') now only offers .tar.bz2 files, and no longer offers
any .dmg or -app.dmg. That macOS download page now has
a prominent link to the download page for the macOS app [4],
which is nice.

As to whether to recommend the .tar.bz2 binary or the app:

- the app provides a comfortable user experience
  for most macOS users; it has some limitations
  in terms of installing extra packages
- not sure what problems the .tar.bz2 may have
- there is also the Conda way via sagemath-forge, see [5], [6]

> Regarding Windows, the mirrors propose a 9.2 version
> of Sage (0.6.2 installer), but the last release available
> on [2] is Sage 9.3 (0.6.3 installer).
> My second question is: is the 9.3 ready for use and
> recommended, and if yes, why isn't it available through
> the mirrors?

A similar question was asked very recently on Ask Sage:

- Ask Sage question 59499
  Download mirrors and the Sage-Windows installer

The "SageMath 9.3 (0.6.3 installer)" is recommended.
Hopefully Harald can push it to the download mirrors.
It was probably an oversight not to ask him to do it
at the time that installer was released. Done now.

So currently the situation is:

- (a) macOS: our download pages have .tar.bz2 binaries
  and point to GitHub for the app download
- (b) Windows: the Sage-Windows installer is available
  at GitHub and also on our download pages
  (visit [7] then select a mirror)

Good sides of solution (a):

- no mismatch can arise between the available
  app version that can be downloaded from GitHub
  vs from our download pages, since the app is
  only on GitHub
- no extra hassle for the developer of the app
  to get each new version uploaded to our mirrors

Good sides of solution (b):

- better for users in countries blocked by GitHub

We could aim to mirror the macOS app and
to improve the installation guide in various ways.
I'll see if I can help with the mirroring and the
download guide improvement.

> [1]
> [2]


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: #32532 - removing gcc and gfortran spkgs

2021-09-27 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-09-27 02:03:51 UTC, Nathan Dunfield:

> On Friday, September 24, 2021 at 1:12:38 PM UTC-5 William Stein wrote:
>> I assume you are talking about the official binaries that are distributed
> on  Fortunately, the Sage binaries on MacOS that are
> produced by the conda-forge devs are not total crap.  
> William,
> There are two different Sage binaries for macOS referred to on 
The first, which is the recommended one is:
> created by Marc Culler over the past year and is very far from total crap.
While it does not yet support the M1 natively, it does offer a code-signed
and notarized app that is just as easy to install as Mathematica et al.
(Note that the JupyterLab App is *not* notarized so one gets the
"macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware" message
and have to go through System Preferences to run the installer.)
> The second is the old:
> Best,
> Nathan


I believe William is talking about "sage-forge" or "sagemath-forge"
as discussed recently on sage-devel in these threads:

I'm hoping to test it this week.  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: very cool benchmarking-over-time library

2021-09-15 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-09-15 16:57:43 UTC, William Stein:
> Hi,
> is pretty amazing. E.g., try
> where you can see specific functions in numpy, and how commits changed 
> performance exactly. One could imagine making something similar for the
> Sage library, which is full of similar compute-intensive well-defined 
> William

That would be amazing indeed. A quick search reveals
sage-devel posts mentioning it in 2016, 2018, 2019:

and thanks to Julian Rüth there is even a ticket for it:

  Sage Trac ticket 25262
  Track performance regressions in CI

which has a branch, last updated in 2019-09. I hope
Julian's work can be updated and reviewed!  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 9.4 and Ubuntu 21.04-- Use: sage-9.4.tar.gz

2021-09-11 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-09-06 14:35:29 UTC, raymond:

> I tried to compile sage-9.4-Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64.tar.bz2

on a 21.04 system and it failed.

It does not need compiling it is pre-compiled
and ready to use on Ubuntu 20.04.

> Then I downloaded  sage-9.4.tar.gz and it seems to be working fine.


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[sage-devel] Re: Minor Error in Git Cheat Sheet

2021-08-23 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Thanks for the report. I sent a pull request to change that:

Le lundi 23 août 2021 à 17:43:29 UTC+2, a écrit :

> On the page about how to configure Git for contributing to Sage 
> ,
> there is a link to a one-page Git cheat sheet 
> which has a minor error:
> [image: temp.png]
> It should say git status and not git st.

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[sage-devel] Patchbots failing: '.../local/libexec/ccache/gcc' failed with exit code 1

2021-08-21 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Recently patchbots have been failing on many tickets with:
[sagelib-9.4.rc2] error: command '.../local/libexec/ccache/gcc' failed with 
exit code 1 
How could that be fixed?

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Re: [sage-devel] Problem Building Sage from Source

2021-08-19 Thread Samuel Lelievre
The Homebrew Givaro is also from the Macaulay2 taps.

See the file `givaro.rb` in the "Formula" folder there:

2021-08-19 01:49:05 UTC, John H Palmieri:

> (I'm not sure where this comes from, since searching for "givaro" on 
> comes up empty.)
> On Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 6:48:10 PM UTC-7 John H Palmieri wrote:
>> You could try uninstalling homebrew's givaro and/or use `./configure 
>> --with-system-givaro=no` to force Sage to build its own givaro.
>> On Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 4:45:54 PM UTC-7 Brian Sun wrote:
>>> I ran the two commands (and also uninstalled Macaulay2 and the copy of 
>>> fflas-ffpack using Homebrew and tried it), and it still does not seem to 
>>> work. I've the linbox log file again, which seems to be the only issue in 
>>> the installation. The errors seem similar to last time -- stuff about 
>>> "redefinition" and "implicit instantiation."
>>> Brian

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[sage-devel] Re:

2021-07-25 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Matthias Koeppe:

> As we are getting closer to the 9.4 release, let's work on the release 

Yes! Thanks Matthias for starting this release tour!

After Sage 9.4.beta6 and today's new round of merging
for the next development release, we are down to seven
positively reviewed tickets with milestone sage-9.4.
Warm thanks to Volker for crushing the backlog. Hurray!

That also means lots of things to add to the release tour!

Ninety "blocker" or "critical" tickets at various stages
of completion could also use developer attention:!closed=blocker=critical=status=999=id=summary=component=time=changetime=author=reviewer=keywords=1=changetime

Happy hacking everyone.  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: Orders in number fields

2021-07-21 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Orders in number fields certainly need work.

This Sage Trac query:

and similar queries with "order" or "ring of integers" reveal the following 
open tickets

#28706 clarify order generation in number fields with bracket syntax
#28552  Elements in orders in number fields are considered as field 
#27413  Implement picard group and unit group for non-maximal orders
#25709  inject_variables is broken for orders of number fields
#24934  Orders are not unique parents
#24031  Coercion between Matrices over orders and over the number field
#23971  Euclidean division in quadratic imaginary orders
#23321  Implemented functionality for Quotient Rings of Orders
#23236  Create p-maximal orders
#18865  Can't make ring homomorphism from ring of integers to a residue 
#16556  AbsoluteOrder.random_element and 
#14740  Infinite loop in creation of number field order
#13568  Quaternion Orders over Number Fields
#12242  Divisibility of number field order elements needs work
#5893   Norm Form for Number Fields and Orders
#4738   base_ring of orders in relative number fields is wrong
#1134   optimize creating elements of orders and number fields by 
coercing in lists

I can also link to discussions on other channels if that seems useful.

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Re: [sage-devel] Proposal: Making cmake a standard package

2021-07-16 Thread Samuel Lelievre

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[sage-devel] Re: Preventing SageMath 9.3 from installing Python packages

2021-07-16 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Another option is installing via Conda.

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Re: [sage-devel] pynac fails to build (sage 9.4.beta4, clang)

2021-07-10 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Samedi 10 juillet 2021 à 02:35:31 UTC+2, François Bissey:
> Should be solved by the move to penal-0.7.29.

I'm pretty sure you typed pynac-0.7.29 and some automatic
let-me-assume-you-wanted-to-type-something-else engine
changed that to whatever was sent to the mailing list.  : )
With some effort these engines can actually be turned off.

> This is the same kind of errors that I fixed for g++11.
> > On 10/07/2021, at 08:06, Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> >
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I am not able to build pynac with clang because of the error
> >
> > error: no member named 'numeric_limits' in namespace 'std'
> >
> > See attached log for details.
> >
> > Best
> > Vincent

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Re: [sage-devel] Bug with subgroup method?

2021-06-24 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Also discussed at Ask Sage:

- Ask Sage question 57703
  Multiplicative group of Zmod(n)

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Re: [sage-devel] help needed with debugging

2021-06-15 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-06-15 07:37:27 UTC, John Cremona:
> Thanks, William. So I don't have to rebuild Sage on the machine this
> is running on, what I will do instead is to replace the call to
> E.isogeny_class() with what that method actually does behind the
> scenes, namely
> from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.isogeny_class import
> IsogenyClass_EC_NumberField
> self._isoclass = IsogenyClass_EC_NumberField(self,
> reducible_primes=reducible_primes, algorithm=algorithm,
> minimal_models=minimal_models)
> since I know that I will only call this once for each curve anyway.
> In case anyone is interested, this is happening while preparing data
> for the LMFDB for elliptic curves over Q(sqrt(-19)).
> John

Getting a reproducible example to trigger the bug would be nice.

Could this help give one?


except AttributeError, KeyError:

# Print out the example
print(f"\nError calling isogeny_class on:\n{E}\n")

# Work around the bug
from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.isogeny_class import (
self._isoclass = IsogenyClass_EC_NumberField(self,

Of course, the import could be done once for all
at the start of your code:

from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.isogeny_class import (

and the computation of isogeny class in your loop could skip it:


except AttributeError, KeyError:

# Print out the example
print(f"\nError calling isogeny_class on:\n{E}\n")

# Work around the bug
self._isoclass = IsogenyClass_EC_NumberField(self,

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[sage-devel] Re: sage9.3 verification error for python3 on MacOS Big Sur

2021-05-25 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-05-25 03:39:14 UTC, Nathan Dunfield:
> Try this version:

This will get you Sage 9.3.rc4, almost identical to Sage 9.3.
The macOS app for Sage 9.3 should hopefully be available
in a week or so at:

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[sage-devel] Re: Bug in Sage 9.2 when trying to plot a simple graph

2021-05-18 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Please provide the code that led to this error.
This will help reproduce the error and analyse it.

In particular, is it a graph from graph theory, with
vertices and edges, or the graph of a function?

Is NumPy somehow involved in plotting it?
You might be hitting this known problem:

- Plotting kills Sagemath (on some machines)

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[sage-devel] Re: QQbar benchmarks

2021-04-26 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Hi Fredrik,

These papers might provide benchmark problems
for QQbar/AA arithmetic which originate in actual
math problems, though not in Sage.

Pierre-Vincent Koseleff, Fabrice Rouillier, Cuong Tran
On the Sign of a Trigonometric Expression
ISSAC’15, July 6–9, 2015, Bath, United Kingdom.

Koseleff, P.-V., Pecker, D., and Rouillier, F.
Computing Chebyshev knot diagrams.

Koseleff, P.-V., Pecker, D., and Rouillier, F.
The first rational Chebyshev knots.
Journal of Symbolic Computation 45 (2010), 1341–1358. 

See Pierre-Vincent Koseleff's publications page:

There are some interesting algebraic numbers in Theorem 3 of

Shigeki Akiyama
Minimum polyhedron with n vertices

which maybe can also provide benchmark problems.

Happy benchmarking!   --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: Feature request: Flatpak

2021-04-25 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-04-18 08:17:31 UTC, Volker Braun:

> flatpak is designed for gui apps, registering a desktop icon and so on.

To really make use of it we'd need at least a small gui app that then

lets you start/stop the jupyter server and/or launch browser windows. 

Marc Culler's SageMath-macOS app could provide inspiration for that.

If you just want to run Sage then there is already a one-liner
podman / docker command to download and run it (and with
podman any user account can do it, no permission setup needed):
>  podman run  -it sagemath/sagemath

 I installed podman under macOS using Homebrew by running
$ brew install podman
and I then got the following error running the command above:
$ podman run -it sagemath/sagemath
Error: cannot connect to the Podman socket, please verify that Podman
REST API service is running: Get "http://d/v3.1.2/libpod/_ping": dial
unix ///var/folders/fp/.../T/podman-run--1/podman/podman.sock:
connect: no such file or directory
Seems I'm missing one step to get the REST API service running.

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[sage-devel] Re: sagecell simple installation encounters error

2021-04-14 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-04-13 23:33:37 UTC, joshua:
> brief description: I want to deploy sagecell step by step
> according to the sagecell file.
> In step 2

(NB. Step 2 is building Sage)

> when I run "make", an error occurs in .../gfortran-9.2.0
> attachments are the log files.
> computer information:
> CPU: 1 vCore
> RAM: 1024 MB
> Storage: 25 GB SSD
> OS: Ubuntu 20.10 x64
> I do not create an "EVM“ as my computer seems not supports it.
> hope for your help
> thanks

Ideally, install as many packages as possible via apt
before building Sage, to avoid building them, which
saves time! One of the packages that can be installed
that way is gfortran.

sudo apt-get install \
bc binutils bzip2 ca-certificates cliquer curl eclib-tools \
fflas-ffpack flintqs g++ g++ gcc gcc gfan gfortran glpk-utils \
gmp-ecm lcalc libatomic-ops-dev libboost-dev libbraiding-dev \
libbrial-dev libbrial-groebner-dev libbz2-dev libcdd-dev \
libcdd-tools libcliquer-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libec-dev \
libecm-dev libffi-dev libflint-arb-dev libflint-dev \
libfreetype6-dev libgc-dev libgd-dev libgf2x-dev libgiac-dev \
libgivaro-dev libglpk-dev libgmp-dev libgsl-dev libhomfly-dev \
libiml-dev liblfunction-dev liblrcalc-dev liblzma-dev \
libm4rie-dev libmpc-dev libmpfi-dev libmpfr-dev libncurses5-dev \
libntl-dev libopenblas-dev libpari-dev libpcre3-dev \
libplanarity-dev libppl-dev libpython3-dev libreadline-dev \
librw-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libsuitesparse-dev \
libsymmetrica2-dev libz-dev libzmq3-dev libzn-poly-dev m4 make \
nauty openssl palp pari-doc pari-elldata pari-galdata pari-galpol \
pari-gp2c pari-seadata patch perl pkg-config planarity ppl-dev \
python3 python3 python3-distutils r-base-dev r-cran-lattice \
sqlite3 sympow tachyon tar xcas xz-utils yasm

Not sure 1 GB is not enough RAM to complete the build,
but probably worth trying.  Let us know how it goes.  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: Error building a wheel for cython-0.29.21

2021-03-26 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Le jeudi 25 mars 2021 à 20:02:28 UTC+1, Matthias Koeppe a écrit :

> Sage 9.2 does not support building from source on macOS Big Sur. 
> Use the 9.3 release candidate. 

You might even want to apply Sage Trac ticket 31496
(positive review but not merged yet) which slightly improves
the build, removing a warning. To do that, after updating your
develop branch with `git pull origin develop`, run this:
$ git remote add trac git:// -t develop
$ TICKET=31496
$ git checkout -b "${TICKET}"
$ git fetch trac "${BRANCH}"
$ git merge FETCH_HEAD -m "Merge ${TICKET}" && git branch -vv
and then:
$ source .homebrew-build-env
$ ./bootstrap -q && ./configure -q
$ make -s V=0

Next time you want to upgrade (e.g. when Sage 9.3.rc1 is out):
$ git checkout develop
$ git pull origin develop --tags -q && git branch -vv
and then:
$ source .homebrew-build-env
$ ./bootstrap -q && ./configure -q
$ make -s V=0

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[sage-devel] Re: Error building a wheel for cython-0.29.21

2021-03-24 Thread Samuel Lelievre
What commands did you run? Were you building the
latest development version (Sage 9.3.rc0)?

Here are the commands I would run to upgrade.

Update Homebrew index, check which packages
are outdated, and upgrade.
$ brew update
$ brew outdated
$ brew upgrade

Change to the Sage installation folder
and get  the latest develop branch.
$ cd $(sage -c 'print(SAGE_ROOT)') && pwd
$ git checkout develop -q
$ git pull origin develop -q && git branch -vv

Recall the number of processors of your Mac:
$ sysctl -n hw.ncpu

Choose how many jobs to run in parallel;
for instance, to run 8 jobs at once:
$ MAKE='make -j8'

Set to use the Homebrew build environment,
then bootstrap, configure and make.
$ source .homebrew-build-env
$ ./bootstrap -q && ./configure -q
$ make -s V=0
(Optionally, don't use the quiet (`-q`) flag for the
configure step, and follow its final suggestions
in order to install more recommended packages.)

Optionally, run tests:
$ make -s V=0 ptestlong

Then report back. If the build fails, the file `config.log`
and log files for packages that fail to build will be useful
so ideally give access to them. I do that by uploading them
somewhere in compressed form and sending a link;
others prefer to attach files when emailing the list.

One way to include Homebrew package version info
is to include the file obtained by running:
$ brew list --versions > brew-list-versions.txt

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[sage-devel] Re: Add an external package to wiki

2021-03-23 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-03-23 23:14:05 UTC, Sergey:
> I would like to add a package
> to the list of external packages at
> The page says "Feel free to add more packages", but I don't
> think I can edit the wiki site with a GitHub login.
> I would like to add the lines:
> msinvar (
> by Sergey Mozgovoy
> A package for computations of moduli space invariants.

Thanks for suggesting this addition. It is now listed.

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[sage-devel] Re:

2021-03-21 Thread Samuel Lelievre
I observed the error when you pointed it out, but it is now
fixed for me too. Temporary MathJax glitch?  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re:

2021-03-21 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-03-21 14:49:57 UTC, Eric Gourgoulhon:
> I've noticed a possible issue of the wiki server: all texts inside
> parentheses are rendered in italics without any parenthesis nor
> white space.  See for instance the output of "The Schlegel diagrams
> are now repaired (they previously broke convexity)" in
That probably means text within ( ... ) gets latexed.
Probably there detection of inline latex within \( ... \)
goes wrong and in fact detects ( ... ) as inline latex.

Coincidentally Kwankyu opened a pull request today
for a similar problem with SageCell:

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[sage-devel] Re: Currently advised way to build sage from a fresh git clone

2021-03-19 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Running `configure` before `make` became mandatory after

- Sage Trac ticket 29316: Require ./configure before make

merged in Sage 9.2.beta2.

With that in mind, the steps are now as follows.

Clone and change to the obtained folder:
$ git clone ...
$ cd ...
Then either
$ make configure
$ ./configure
$ make
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make
or if you like quiet:
$ git clone ... -q
$ cd ...
$ ./bootstrap -q
$ ./configure -q
$ ./make -s V=0
Happy building Sage!  --Samuel

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Re: [sage-devel] pointy python question related to sage

2021-03-18 Thread Samuel Lelievre
See also

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[sage-devel] Re: The SageMath distribution is now listed on!

2021-03-16 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-03-15 19:50:43 UTC, Matthias Koeppe:
> The SageMath distribution is now listed on repology. 
> See
> and
> Many thanks to Dmitry Marakasov, who implemented a parser
> for the Sage distribution metadata (build/pkgs/) in response
> to my feature request in

Thanks Matthias for thinking of that and for making it happen,
first by opening the feature request, then by following up on
Dmitry Marakasov's comments and requests.

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[sage-devel] Re: Error building package python3-3.8.5, back to step 0

2021-02-26 Thread Samuel Lelievre

Le jeudi 25 février 2021 à 23:20:16 UTC+1, brettpim a écrit :

> I am having a similar problem.  I have pulled the master branch from git 
> and I when run 
> # ./configure 
> it finishes with 
> configure: notice: the following SPKGs did not find equivalent system 
> packages: boost cbc coxeter3 gp2c isl libnauty libsemigroups pari_elldata 
> pari_galpol pari_nftables pari_seadata python3 tox
> checking for the package system in use... debian
> configure: hint: installing the following system packages is recommended 
> and may avoid building some of the above SPKGs from source:
> configure:   $ sudo apt-get update 
>   $ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev coinor-cbc coinor-libcbc-dev 
> pari-gp2c libisl-dev libnauty-dev python3 libpython3-dev python3-distutils
> but all these APT packages are already installed:
> # apt-get install libboost-dev coinor-cbc coinor-libcbc-dev pari-gp2c 
> libisl-dev libnauty-dev python3 libpython3-dev python3-distutils
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree   
> Reading state information... Done
> Note, selecting 'libnauty2-dev' instead of 'libnauty-dev'
> libboost-dev is already the newest version (
> libisl-dev is already the newest version (0.22.1-1).
> libpython3-dev is already the newest version (3.8.2-0ubuntu2).
> python3 is already the newest version (3.8.2-0ubuntu2).
> coinor-cbc is already the newest version (2.10.3+repack1-1build1).
> coinor-libcbc-dev is already the newest version (2.10.3+repack1-1build1).
> libnauty2-dev is already the newest version (2.6r10+ds-1ubuntu1).
> pari-gp2c is already the newest version (0.0.11pl2-3).
> python3-distutils is already the newest version (3.8.5-1~20.04.1).
> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
> I don;t know what I need to get ./configure to recognize my python3. The 
> 'xz' package Matthias refers to is installed:
> configure:30241: checking for xz >= 4.999.0
> configure:30320: result: /usr/bin/xz
> configure:30329: will use system package and not install SPKG xz 
> config.log attached

In your `config.log`, the report for checking
whether to install the `python3` SPGK reads:

##  ##
## Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG python3... ##
##  ##
configure:30455: checking whether any of sqlite libpng bzip2 xz libffi is 
installed as or will be installed as SPKG
configure:30459: result: yes; install python3 as well
configure:31094: no suitable system package found for SPKG python3

So the decision for `python3` depends, here, not on whether
a suitable system `python3` exists, but on the status for
`sqlite`, `libpng`, `bzip2`, `xz`, `libffi`.

Here are the corresponding checks in `config.log`:

## --- ##
## Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG sqlite... ##
## --- ##
configure:30003: sqlite has already been installed by SageMath

## --- ##
## Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG libpng... ##
## --- ##
configure:14052: libpng has already been installed by SageMath

## -- ##
## Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG bzip2... ##
## -- ##
configure:14668: bzip2 has already been installed by SageMath

## --- ##
## Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG xz... ##
## --- ##
configure:30190: checking for lzma_raw_decoder in -llzma
configure:30215: g++ -std=gnu++11 -std=gnu++11 -o conftest -g -O2  
-Wl,-rpath,/home/brett/Projects/SAGE/sage/local/lib  conftest.cpp -llzma  
-lm  >&5
configure:30215: $? = 0
configure:30224: result: yes
configure:30232: checking lzma.h usability
configure:30232: g++ -std=gnu++11 -std=gnu++11 -c -g -O2  conftest.cpp >&5
configure:30232: $? = 0
configure:30232: result: yes
configure:30232: checking lzma.h presence
configure:30232: g++ -std=gnu++11 -E -std=gnu++11  conftest.cpp
configure:30232: $? = 0
configure:30232: result: yes
configure:30232: checking for lzma.h
configure:30232: result: yes
configure:30241: checking for xz >= 4.999.0
configure:30320: result: /usr/bin/xz
configure:30329: will use system package and not install SPKG xz

## --- ##
## Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG libffi... ##
## --- ##
configure:23725: checking for LIBFFI
configure:23732: $PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "libffi"

[sage-devel] Re: Graph Theory Projects in GSoC'21

2021-02-22 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-02-22 04:29:37 UTC, Travis Scrimshaw:
> In the meantime, you are welcome to make contributions to the
> graph theory code in Sage by working on any open issue or creating
> your own using our issue trac server

For a list of open tickets concerning graphs,
one can query the Sage Trac server for tickets
satisfying one of these criteria

- component is 'graph theory'
- summary contains 'graph' (not caring about 'graphi' or 'graphy')

Here a query along these lines:!closed=~graph%20=~graph,=~graph.=~graph_=~graph-=~graph(=~graph)=~graphm=~graphp=~graphv=~graph/=%24graph=!closed=graph+theory=!closed=250=id=summary=milestone=component=status=type=author=reviewer=cc=1=id=status=1

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: documentation of external packages, versionned online Sage doc

2021-02-18 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-02-18 16:40:35 UTC, Matthias Koeppe:

> And also for the current beta please.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: documentation of external packages, versionned online Sage doc

2021-02-18 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2021-02-17 21:22:38 UTC, Matthias Koeppe:

> 2021-02-17 20:58:40 PM UTC Thierry:
>> Regarding Sage's own documentation, a useful feature, while not related 
>> to the release process, would be to keep online documentation of each 
>> release, that is having: 
>> for each release, and having 
>> pointing to the doc of the last 
>> release. 
> +1 

either "current" or "latest" (many projects use "latest")


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Re: [sage-devel] HELP

2021-02-15 Thread Samuel Lelievre
After downloading the compressed Sage for Linux/64bit,
extract the compressed archive, move it to some location
(let us say it becomes `/path/to/sagemath` which could mean
`~/sagemath` or `/opt/sagemath` or any location you chose),
then change to the Sage root folder by running
$ cd /path/to/sagemath
then run one of the following
$ ./sage  # for the Sage REPL
$ ./sage -n jupyter  # for the Jupyter notebook
$ ./sage -n sagenb  # for the SageNB notebook
Or place an alias to `sage` in an appropriate location
that is part of your PATH, for example by running
$ WHAT=/path/to/sagemath/sage
$ WHERE=/usr/local/bin
$ sudo ln -s $WHAT $WHERE
so that you can start Sage from anywhere using one of
$ sage  # for the Sage REPL
$ sage -n jupyter  # for the Jupyter notebook
$ sage -n sagenb  # for the SageNB notebook
(Note: the sagenb notebook will only work with
old Python2-based versions of Sage.)

Unless you have a good reason to use an old Python2-based
version of Sage I would suggest using a more recent,
Python3-based version of Sage, such as SageMath 9.2,
and using Jupyter rather than the legacy SageNB notebook
which is no longer maintained.

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[sage-devel] Re: [ARM] Problem on M1 Mac through a Docker Ubunt image

2021-02-15 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Maybe use a SageMath Docker image which
comes with Ubuntu and an already-built Sage?

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Re: [sage-devel] possible bug: kernel of ring homomorphism

2021-02-08 Thread Samuel Lelievre
For reference this is also asked on Ask Sage:

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: sorting output dicts in doctests

2021-02-07 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Another option might be to use an OrderedDict.

If I understand correctly, this becomes unnecessary
in Python >= 3.7 where dict behaves like OrderedDict.

If I understand correctly, Sage 9.3 will still support
Python 3.6 but Sage 9.4 probably won't, after

- Sage Trac ticket 30551
  Drop Python 3.6 support

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[sage-devel] Re: is_invertible() too slow comparing to rank() over GF(2^k)

2021-01-26 Thread Samuel Lelievre
A ticket was opened for this:

- (re)implement is_invertible() for GF(2^e)

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[sage-devel] Re: Installing SageMath on macOS Big Sur 11.1

2020-12-21 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Supporting macOS 11 Big Sur is tracked at

- Sage Trac ticket 30651
  Meta-ticket: support macOS 11 Big Sur

Binaries for Sage 9.2 from the Sage download website
will not work for macOS 11 Big Sur. Hopefully we will
be able to provide Big Sur binaries for Sage 9.3

In the meantime you might be able to install Sage via Conda
based on Miniforge, a Conda distribution that already supports
macOS 11 and even the latest Apple M1 processors.

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[sage-devel] Re: Weird power series bug

2020-12-11 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-12-11 19:26:46 UTC, Martin:

> I am planning to organize sagespeciesdays for February,
with making lazy power series sane as a subgoal.  It would be
extremely motivating if some people put themselves into
the CC field of the ticket Frédéric pointed out, to signal interest.

Suggestion: open a stream on zulip for people to register.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: incremental migration to github? [prompted by FUNDING issues!!!]

2020-12-10 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-12-10 11:37:41 UTC, David Roe:
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 6:06 AM Dima Pasechnik:
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 10:49 AM David Roe:
> > >
> > > For Zulip, provides free hosting for open source 
> > > I'm fairly confident that we could export our history and import it to
> > > a new organization there fairly easily, if there's a consensus to do 
> >
> > I don't think we even need a consensus for this. Lack of funds
> > is a sufficient reason to migrate.
> > (apart from the history, account data is important...)
> >
> > We then can point to the appropriate url at
> I've created and requested sponsorship
> as an open source project. I exported our current Zulip history
> into a tarball as a test. We probably want to wait until the current
> Sage Days is over to complete the migration so there's no disruption
> (the traffic is low enough that I'll probably pick a convenient time
> to deactivate it for a day, port the history over to
> and then invite all our current users to the new organization).

Is there a way to retain the url
while hosting at

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Re: [sage-devel] error while installing python_igraph on fedora 32 - missing texttable

2020-12-09 Thread Samuel Lelievre
The missing texttable binary has now been uploaded
to our download mirrors. Thanks for the report!

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[sage-devel] Re: sageb0t notifications

2020-12-05 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-12-04 12:24:39 UTC, Christopher Swenson:
> At some point in the past (2014?),
> I set up a GitHub account called sageb0t.
> I no longer have access to the account, which is fine.
> But, I still receive email notifications at ...@
> Could whoever runs this or has access to it remove
> my email address from the notifications, or change
> the email address associated with it?
> It has been a very busy bot lately.

Hi Christopher,

Do you happen to have a copy of the script that
sageb0t bot was using to convert pull requests
made to the Sage repo on GitHub into tickets
on the Sage Trac server?

I have been trying to locate that script without
success for a few years now, and none of the
people I asked had any form of backup of it.

Previous discussions on sage lists.

- sage-devel, 2016-07
Git repository should have Sage versions as branches not tags

- sagemath-admins, 2018-02
Looking for sageb0t

- sagemath-admins, 2018-02
Adding GitHub login to our trac

Hope these notifications can be turned off for you.

Kind regards,  --Samuel Lelièvre

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Would anybody like...progress bars?

2020-12-02 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Recently opened related ticket:

- Provide quiet mode for make testlong and friends

I had forgotten about that progress bar discussion on sage-devel!
It would be nice to have if it can be resurrected!

2020-12-01 18:15:25 UTC, Frédéric Chapoton:
> can you please put a branch somewhere on trac?

2019-12-02 11:50:44 UTC, E. Madison Bray:
> Thanks, I forgot about this. IIRC it was still a little buggy, but I
> can see if I can resurrect what I did have and make a ticket for it.
> If I can't get time to polish it up maybe someone else can.

2019-11-29 14:51 UTC, Frédéric Chapoton:
> Would you make a ticket and upload a branch on trac, please ? 

2019-05-23 16:41:04 UTC, E. Madison Bray:
> Something I've wanted for a long time in the Sage doctest runner is
> progress bars, so I hacked up a prototype (see screenshot). It works
> even with parallel docbuilds.
> I think there are still some bugs and other kinks to work out so it
> will take a little more time to get this really polished up, but what
> do you think? Would anyone else like to have this? Is it worth
> spending any more time on?

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 9.3 release cycle

2020-11-18 Thread Samuel Lelievre
This suggests we might create a ticket for each release.
For any ticket that should only be merged after that release,
make the release ticket a dependency.

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[sage-devel] Re: How do I report a bug in Sage 9.2 (app version) for macOS?

2020-11-10 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-11-10 15:46:13 UTC, Murray Eisenberg:
> This concerns the missing openssl for python3,
> which prevents the jupyter server from starting
> under macOS Catalina 10.15.7.
> How/where report this as a bug?

The current licence of OpenSSL prevents us from shipping it.

OpenSSL is changing its licence starting with OpenSSL 3,
currently in alpha stage, with alpha8 recently released:

(see also this blog post about alpha7)

and the work needed before releasing beta1 is tracked at

Upgrading to OpenSSL 3 in Sage is tracked at

- Sage Trac ticket 29555
  Upgrade to OpenSSL 3.0 and make it a standard package

In the meanwhile, after downloading Sage binaries for macOS,
you can repair them using the "fix_mac_sage" script available at: 

Hope this helps.  Kind regards,  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: polynomial_modn_dense_ntl.pyx -- small_roots function -- minor change

2020-11-05 Thread Samuel Lelievre

Le mercredi 4 novembre 2020 10:00:41 UTC+1, Adam Larat a écrit :
> Hi everyone, 
> I hope I am posting at the correct place. 
> There is a minor bug in the verbose output of the small_roots function in 
> Z/nZ[X]. 
> At line 567 (Sage 9.2, I might not be absolutely up to date…) of the 
> build/pkgs/sagelib/src/build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.8/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_modn_dense_ntl.pyx
> file, the variable epsilon is output as a integer when it is actually a 
> float
> 567:verbose("epsilon = %d"%epsilon, level=2)
> I attach a minimal working example which outputs variable epsilon as 0 
> when it is indeed strictly positive. 
> I would be glad to contribute if you indicate me the procedure to follow, 
> or someone more powerful than me could just change the line to 
> 567:verbose("epsilon = %f"%epsilon, level=2)
> and push on the repo?
> Thank you very much for all your work,
> Adam

Hi Adam,

thanks for noticing and reporting. The easiest way to contribute
the change you suggest is as follows:

- Open an account at
- Fork the repository
- Visit your forked copy of the repository at
- Edit the file there
- Send a merge request

This will automatically create a ticket on the Sage Trac server
with your changes, and from there they can be reviewed by
other developers and eventually merged.

Let us know if you run into any trouble.  Kind regards,  --Samuel

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: "Real Field" -> "Real Floating-point Field"

2020-10-21 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Getting back on topic as kindly requested
(apologies for the wild digression earlier).

The docstring for `RR` currently reads:

sage: RR?
Type:   RealField_class
String form:Real Field with 53 bits of precision
   An approximation to the field of real numbers using floating point
   numbers with any specified precision. Answers derived from
   calculations in this approximation may differ from what they would
   be if those calculations were performed in the true field of real
   numbers. This is due to the rounding errors inherent to finite
   precision calculations.

   See the documentation for the module "sage.rings.real_mpfr" for
   more details.

which very adequately

- starts with the words "an approximation to the field
  of real numbers using floating point numbers"

- ends with a reference to the sage.rings.real_mpfr documentation,
  which itself, as accessed by `sage: sage.rings.real_mpfr?`,
  clearly formulates what we are dealing with.

So I think we're mostly fine, but I understand the need
to clarify the string representation.

The first sentence in the `RR` docstring suggests we could replace
the current string forms:

sage: RealField(8)
Real Field with 8 bits of precision
sage: RealField()
Real Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: RR
Real Field with 53 bits of precision

with the following ones:

sage: RealField(8)
Real Field approximation with 8 bits of precision
sage: RealField()
Real Field approximation with 53 bits of precision
sage: RR
Real Field approximation with 53 bits of precision

or if we need something shorter:

sage: RealField(8)
Real Field 8 bit approximation
sage: RealField()
Real Field 53 bit approximation
sage: RR
Real Field 53 bit approximation

I'm also fine with other suggested solutions.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: "Real Field" -> "Real Floating-point Field"

2020-10-15 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-10-15 08:21:06 UTC, John Cremona:
> I was expecting someone more pedantic than me to point out that this set
> is not a field in the mathematical sense. Since this is a big change 
> (at least to a lot of doctest outputs) should we think more carefully 
> what we want to call RR? Instead of "Real floating-point field with x bits
> of precision" we could have "Real floating-point numbers with x bits of
> precision" perhaps. (With an implied "The set of" in front).

Good point!

I like "Real floating-point numbers with x bits of precision"
with short name RFN for real floating-point numbers.

Or shorter: "RealFloats" -> "Real floats with x bits of precision",
short name RF for the standard one with 53 bits of precision.

Consistency would dictate to rename and change the string representation
for all of the following:

- ComplexField -> ComplexFloats
- RealField -> RealFloats

- ComplexDoubleField -> ComplexDoubleFloats
- RealDoubleField -> RealDoubleFloats

- ComplexBallField -> ComplexFloatBalls
- ComplexBallField -> RealFloatBalls

- ComplexIntervalField -> ComplexFloatIntervals
- RealIntervalField -> RealFloatIntervals

and maybe more sort-of-fields that can be listed using:
sage: [g for g in globals() if 'ield' in g]

- ComplexLazyField -> ComplexLazyFloats?
- RealLazyField -> RealLazyFloats?

- MPComplexField -> MPComplexFloats?

What about pAdicField?

Of course we can do things one at a time, but it's good to plan ahead
and maybe have a meta-ticket to keep track of what is done and what
needs to be done.

Side remark: should ComplexIntervalFieldElement, FieldElement
and NumberFieldElement be removed from the global namespace?

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: "Real Field" -> "Real Floating-point Field"

2020-10-14 Thread Samuel Lelievre

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[sage-devel] Re: openssl on Release 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa) 64-bit mate

2020-10-11 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-10-11 22:12:20 UTC, Raymond Rogers:
> Jupyter didn't run because of "openssl development" missing.
> This mate release doesn't have openssl-dev stand alone.
> I did have openssl installed but there wasn't openssl-dev
> in the direct list. I installed the "dev" of libssl-dev (and some
> other related items) and it now works fine. The only problem
> with sage is that the error message, running from the console,
> demanded openssl development. I think it should have said
> libssl-dev.

Thanks for the report. Having the exact message that
was displayed could help figure out whether it comes
from Sage or from Jupyter and where to improve it.

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Re: [sage-devel] GF(n).primitive_element() ^ numpy.array(integerlist) works only some of the time

2020-10-09 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-10-09 13:29:41 UTC, Dima Pasechnik:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 2:14 PM Scimmie Urlanti:
> >
> > the following code works
> >
> > import numpy
> > GF(2^16).primitive_element() ^ numpy.array([3,4,5])
> >
> > but this doesn't
> > 
> > import numpy
> > GF(2^15).primitive_element() ^ numpy.array([3,4,5])
> >
> > I am guessing because of the different representations
> > of GF(n) depending on the size of n.
> This is correct.

as in "your guess is correct", not "this behaviour is correct".   : )

> GF(2^15) and smaller is handled by givaro,
> GF(2^16) and bigger by NTL (with gf2x interface).

This hints at a workaround: rather letting the implementation
be decided on based on the exponent, specify it yourself:

import numpy
GF(2^15, impl='ntl').primitive_element() ^ numpy.array([3,4,5])

Another issue with the Givaro implementation was reported at

> To me it's rather unusual to see exponentiation by a vector,
> but numpy users might know better, whether this should work.

NumPy arrays are designed for doing elementwise operations
with a simple syntax. So if `a` is an array and `s` is a scalar,
then `s + a` is the array obtained from `a` by adding `s` to each.
Likewise for exponentiation.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Beta 12 not building (Homebrew singular issue?)

2020-10-08 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-10-08 17:45:11 UTC, Zachary Scherr:
> I think I've learned my lesson about over installing homebrew packages.
> I previously installed every single homebrew version of all Sage SPKGs
> in case I could speed up build time.

I did the same and got bitten too. Packages that gave me trouble:
arb, flint, gap, gcc, glpk, ntl, singular.

The gcc and glpk troubles are over and I brew installed them back,
as well as ntl which behaves ok for me. Currently uninstalled here:
arb, flint, gap, singular, but maybe I could reinstall some, not sure.

My go-to link for such questions is querying Trac for tickets whose
summary contains 'brew':

or browsing and searching sage-devel and sage-release.

Do we need a meta-ticket for Homebrew package problems?

> At some point I'd like to learn more about the sage build process
> so that I can contribute in fixing my own issues.

Great idea. I'm trying to learn more myself and enjoying it.
What questions do you have?

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[sage-devel] Re: SageMath Anaconda and Python 3.8

2020-10-08 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-10-07 18:22:31 UTC, Zachary Scherr:
> You should probably follow the directions here: 
> and install sage into its own environment so that it correctly installs 
> all the dependencies.  Sage 9.2 will support python 3.8.
Also discussed here:

where the maintainer of the Sage package for Conda also says
we have to wait for Sage 9.2 to get Sage with Python 3.8 in Conda.

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[sage-devel] Sage 9.2 cycle at the "release candidate" stage

2020-10-07 Thread Samuel Lelievre
Dear sage-devel,

The Sage 9.2 cycle progresses, with Sage 9.2.rc0 recently released.

We still have three "blocker" and around a hundred "critical" tickets.!closed=blocker!closed=critical

Can we make progress on solving, updating or closing most of them?
Some might be obsolete.  Kind regards,  --Samuel

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[sage-devel] Re: I got an error while trying to build sage devel for the first time on my mac and it told me to put the log file here.

2020-10-03 Thread Samuel Lelievre
After getting the latest sources and changing to the
Sage folder, did you run the following commands?

source .homebrew-build-env
make configure

Please send the file config.log, and also run

brew list --versions > brew-list-versions.txt

and send the resulting file brew-list-versions.txt

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[sage-devel] Re: sage -i fricas broken ?

2020-10-03 Thread Samuel Lelievre
2020-10-02 11:39:34 UTC+2, Samuel Lelievre:
> Until the tarball is uploaded to our download mirrors

Done now (thanks Volker!): see fricas-1.3.6 listed at

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