
while looking for code to doctest Mike Hansen came across sage/libs/
pari/functional.py It is a file with 191 one line functions that
attempt to do things like the following:

   def FOO(x): return pari(x).FOO()

There is no user of the code, the only file that imports it is bg.py
which is another file that looks like something that got abandoned.
The import in bg.py is also broken. So we ended up deleting both files

 a) the code is broken
 b) there are no users
 c) the code even if it worked would have never passed review would it
be submitted now
 d) the code is unchanged since early 2006, i.e. except for a one line
addition it is unchanged since *0.10.12*

So if anybody has any use of the code please let us know. For now the
code is gone and resubmitting it for inclusion will require a
substantial amount of work.


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