
A long time ago I noticed a comment in the prod function about doing a 
divide-and-conquer product scheme so as to take advantage of asymptotically 
multiplication.  Ironically, at the time I thought it was a pretty esoteric 
which would only be useful in bizarre cases.  But, I've been bit by the exact 
same problem with *addition* and the python sum function.

I have a list of n! monomials (arising from a symmetric group) and addition in 
(sparse) mpoly ring over QQ is evidently asymptotically fast.  This makes some 
sense since the data structure is an ordered list of monomials (in singular).  
Using the python sum function took 4 times as long as splitting the list into 4 
pieces and sum'ming each of these sub-lists individually.

Questions: Would it be accepted to write a sum function and replace python's?  
Is there a better way to fix this asymptotic slowness on the part of sum?


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