Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to set up a sage chroot environment. I have
documented the steps I have taken here

I have the chroot environment created, and sage compiled inside of

If I run sage as my "server" user without dchroot it goes to the sage
prompt properly.

      server@wscvsage:~$ /sage_chroot/sage/sage
      | Sage Version 4.7, Release Date:
2011-05-23                         |
      | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for
information.        |
      sage: exit
      Exiting Sage (CPU time 0m0.06s, Wall time 0m3.64s).
      Exiting spawned Gap process.

But is i run sage with "dchroot -d /sage/sage" sage is getting the
following error

      server@wscvsage:~$ dchroot -d /sage/sage
      I: [sagechroot chroot] Running command: “/sage/sage”
      | Sage Version 4.7, Release Date:
2011-05-23                         |
      | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for
information.        |

      Unhandled SIGSEGV: A segmentation fault occurred in Sage.
      This probably occurred because a *compiled* component of Sage
has a bug
      in it and is not properly wrapped with sig_on(), sig_off(). You
      want to run Sage under gdb with 'sage -gdb' to debug this.
      Sage will now terminate.
      /sage/local/bin/sage-sage: line 300:  1866 Segmentation
fault      sage-ipython "$@" -i

Does anyone know what might cause this error? Is it something that is
not in the chroot environment that sage needs to run properly? Is it a
permissions thing?

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