
Some help is appreciated concerning the following.

Suppose P1,P2,P3 are two-variate polynomials. I search for all sets of
(P1,P2,P3) such that:

i)   P1(A,B)+P2(A,B)=P3(A,B)

ii)  Greatest common denominator P1 and P2 equals 1  [Thus gcd( P1,
P2 )=1]

iii) P1*P2*P3 can be divided by A*B*(A+B)                   [Thus
gcd( P1*P2*P3, A*B*(A+B) )=A*B*(A+B)]

The most elementary forms are A + B = A+B, A^2 + B*(A+B) = (A+B)^2 and
(B-A)^2 + 4*A*B = (A+B)^2.

Somewhat more appealing is the following identity: (A+2*B)*A^3 + B*(2*A
+3*B)^3 = (A+B)*(A+3*B)^3

In general, there should be many more of these 'nice' examples.

I'm curious if via Sage one could develop a generating algorithm.

Thanks in advance!


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