---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nick Alexander <ncalexan...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: two questions about sage-mode
To: Alex Ghitza <aghi...@gmail.com>

On 11-Mar-09, at 3:48 PM, Alex Ghitza wrote:

 Hi folks,
> Quite a few people at Sage Days 14 are fans of emacs and therefore trying
> to use sage-mode.  In particular, Mike Stillman had two questions that I
> didn't know how to answer.  It might be that these are not implemented as of
> yet and should be, in which case I'll make enhancement trac tickets for
> them:
> 1. suppose you run doctests on a file from inside emacs, and that you get a
> failure with a line number; is there a sage-mode way of jumping to that line
> in the source file?

Are you using sage-test?  (I have it bound to C-c C-t).  Then you can use
the standard emacs C-x ` (next-error) to jump around.  I could improve this
if necessary.

 2. is there an easy way of restarting sage in emacs?  or even to rebuild
> and restart?  this would come in handy when making changes to the sage
> library

Yes, newer versions have rerun-sage (which kills and restarts an existing
session), sage-build (which builds) and C-u sage-build which builds and
reruns.  sage-build is bound to C-c C-b for me -- I don't think I bind them
by default.  Sorry that the documentation is scant, sounds like that really
needs work.  Try them out!

Thanks for the feedback,

Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne --
Australia -- http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/~aghitza/

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